Alot of you have emailed me asking me to do another talkathon and I have given it some thought. If I were to do it again I'd have to change it up a bit and make it a little more exciting. I know for sure I probably couldn't do it exactly the same way as last time, answering calls 24 hours a day for 7 days straight was fun but something I could only do once. Having enough time to suck dick and sleep is just too important to me.
So I was thinking, maybe I could do it to where people who donated could call me anytime between 11AM and 7pm Standard Pacific Time for 30 consecutive days. On top of that they would get access to my live webcam on weekends from 1PM Saturday to 6pm Sunday. Every weekend for an entire month.
What do you think? Good Idea or Bad Idea?
yea thats is a good idea
Awesome idea :) I'd defintely like to talk to you again, you were so sweet the first time! --Jason
that is a good idea to do
I think it would be great, and not only can someone talk to you but can see you when talking to you :)
That would be a great idea. I would love to chat with you sometime. You seem like a really cool, down-to-earth guy.
Yes, great idea.
omg u totally have to do it. i was unemployed last time u did it and had no money...but i would totally donate this time :)
I think that's a great idea! I donated in August, unfortunately I donated like hours too late because I didn't have internet before then! I'd love to have another chance to talk to you.
Hey, I likey :)
i vote yes
Id be up for that
I would LOVE to watch that!!
Good idea that benefits both you and all of us
Yeah that would be cool and fun I have no objections to that P.S. How's the running going
where do we sign up? did you just call out Number 1? oh me oh me, me me me me me! lol
that sounds like a great idea Mason! It would be great to chat with you...and an added bonus to get to see you on your live cam! much does one have to donate in order to receive such awesome benefits?
I don't know.. I donated last time and didn't receive your phone number to call...
Of course it's a great idea!!! Just be ready for some nasty talk too this time around. We honestly all want to get to know you better as a person, but there's always time for nasty talk too!! Why can't there be both?
It's a great idea, Mr. Wyler.
Great idea! I look forward to talking with you.
That would be awesome. It would be great to see you while talking.
For me is a excellent idea, congratulations for this.
You know what, I have no idea what to say. Think about it this way. There is a reason why you didn't receive any "phone sex" during that period. I can't go into major details because this is a public blog, and if people looked at what I said, they would that I was crazy. Then again, what have I got to lose? lol
Actually I was able to speak to you once, but for some reason you blew me off. Did I offend you in any way? Was it that geographical comment stating that I have the geographical skills of a dead mouse?
I don't know anymore....I actually require an explanation for that anyway.
Oh well
you know I am in...been waiting since your last offering...looking forward to it and the extras!!! --jc_n_la
oh yeah! I'd be up for that big time! I loved getting to talk to you last time!
I think it's an awesome idea...I missed out on the first one.
Great Idea i like see you on webcam dude
A great idea. I would sign up for that in a heart beat
YES! Do it! Great idea.
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