Monday, November 17, 2008
A Totally Different Wyler
Imagine a Wyler that is brunette instead of blond, cut instead of uncut, and hairy instead of smooth. A Wyler that watches the WWE, Nascar, and the NFL instead of Anime, Star Trek, and HGTV. One who sounds like he is from West Texas not West Hollywood and that chose to join the Navy instead of the Gay Porn Industry. Can you picture him? Well if you can't then here is a picture of him.
He is my brother, my older brother. And I just want everyone to know that I am proud of him and who he has become. We are as different as night and day but I love him just the same.

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are u guys twins?
has anyone confused him with you?
you two look almost identical the nose and ears are slightly different, but now i wonder which ones the evil twin.....
Interesting. Why the different circ status? Are you 1/2 brothers?
He's sweet, but you're the hottie of the family.
Your brother is WOW !!! In your wildest dreams do you think he'd do a video with you? That would be so HHHHHOOOOOTTTTT that I think you'd cause several heart attacks.
How about doing a Narcissus theme where you are looking into the mirror while J/O - - - only the reflection is not you but your brother. Take note that I have not suggested incest. That would be both of your decisions. But just imagine. I'm cumming already.
Thats so sweet that you guys are close. Thats good! I'm close with my brother, but I almost never get to see him. =(
Very handsome and cute. Y'all must have very good genes in your family. Maybe the Higher Power (whatever you choose to call him/her) watch over and protect him while he is serving. My graditude goes out to your bro.
Family resemblance is certain, Mason you're almost twins ...
Is he still in the Navy? It's cool to agree between brother there is complicity and an invisible force that tracks the path of life without incident, and then you feel reassured to know that we can count on someone who has a big place in our hearts
very nice.... love a man in uniform!!!
thats cool Mason that you love your brother that much
Your brother is as hot as you are.
If he is cool with his pic being posted on this page, he loves you a lot! How awesome!
You both are as hot as can be. You both do our nation proud with what you do. God bless your brother and all he does for our country.
oh wow, you two are twins.
why is he cut and you aren't?
Isn't that a little too close to know your brother is cut?
Aw that's nice :D
I've been told a few times I look like your little brother but your real brother is a clone!!!
I hope you had his permission to post his pic. I suppose you thought of that, though.
But how come you got lucky enough not to get your foreskin snipped? Usually all the boys in a given family are or aren't cut.
he is a beautiful man as well. then again, military men are pretty hot in general.
that is sweet:-)
That's very sweet :)
curious...how come one of you is was left natural and the other one cut???
Mason,he looks just like you.Why is he cut and u uncut??? Is he gay too? How much older is he?
By the way since you added on those porn links your page runs alot slower.
one of you must be with me outside of the States now, is it?.
Speaking of porn twinks, a topic someone mentioned, I wish you would not put ads for that Euro bareback twink site on your blog.
By doing so, you are encouraging unsafe sex and indirectly contributing to the spread of HIV.
Ur blog rocks. So cool that ur bro is Ok with his pic on ur blog. R u sure he is not gonna live some wild encounters after his mates see him on ur blog. He is like asking for it. I am loving all your updates.
Wow - are you sure that's not you in a cute sailor suit?
Having said that, people said me and my brother were twins when we were kids...
He looks alot like you. It's nice that you love him and appreciate his path in life.
mmm..okay. Halloween is over. The hand salute was a nice touch.
Interesting. Seems like a cool brother :)
He is very good looking. Must have great genes in your family. Thank him for his service. I served 15 years in the Military, US Army. So I appreciate what he is doing. But I am a Star Trek lover too. Have all The Next Gen, DS-9, and Voyager episodes! Take care Mason. HUGE HUG
Addison, MI
does he know you're in the porn business ?
Pretty close resemblence.
Are you running out of things to blog so you make things up now? I doubt someone in the military, brother or not would let you post a pic on a site showing a bunch of pigs in a blanket pics.
Hey Mason, I just found out what happened in Sept. I believe you. So sorry that you had to go through that. It sound terrifying. I hope u guys are doing ok, you were so sweet on TKO. ~Devin Bleu
Mason, tell your brother that there are people in the US that support him and all service people. BTW he is hot just like you.
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