Like I've said before, I usually start my day with sucking my boy's dick, swallowing his hot cum load, all while jerking myself off. I probably would of done just that today but when I turned over to try and grope him, I opened my eyes to find that he wasn't there. A note by the bed read: "Out running errands and don't forget, no sex or fapping for two weeks!" I totally forgot. I sat there for a minute and contemplated calling an end to my self inflicted punishment but then curiosity got the best of me once again. I really do want to know how long I can last without any sexual activity. And on top of that, I want to see if I become even more insatiable when I finally give in to my hunger. So instead of masturbating, I went for a run.
I've been slacking quite a bit lately with my marathon training and I figured all my pent up sexual energy would help me kick my running up a notch. And in return, the running would keep my mind off of sex. I was greatly mistaken. The trail was a veritable mine field of temptation. With each shirtless muscle god or fresh faced boy I passed, a new fantasy would fill my head. Within seconds blood would rush south to my nether regions engorging my boy parts, making it impossible to run. I had to leave.
When I got home I decided to take one of the commenter's advice and watch a Disney movie. Something G rated, surely that would get my mind off of cock. Wrong again. The only Disney movie I currently own is Enchanted. The entire time I watched it I kept thinking how hot it would be if Patrick Dempsey and James Marsden tag-teamed me.
Maybe it has to get worse before it gets better but as it is right now these are the thoughts that are constantly going through my head, "I need: Pumped Muscles. Dominant Tops. Big Pecs. Throbbing Cocks. Rough Fuckings. Huge Loads. In my face. In my mouth. In my hole."

My dick has been fully erect and leaking pre-cum for hours. It's seriously beginning to hurt! And my hole has gotten so hungry that every so often it voluntarily opens up like a mouth that's waiting to be fed. Writing seems to be the only way I can render my hands, mouth, dick, and ass inaccessible to myself and others during this period of celibacy.
In an attempt to keep myself busy with writing I've decided to take your questions. I can't answer every question I get but I will try my best. If there is anything you would like to ask me, anything at all, then please feel free to email your questions to WYLER_NATION@YAHOO.COM or simply post your question as a comment on here.
idk if u already decided where to go for your vacation, but u should visit guam.
was the best sex you ever had on camera or off? and who was it with?
Who is your favorite actor to work with in your scenes and why?
Just want to know if u think "The Dark Knight" can pull off a Best Picture Nomination for the Oscars?
Do you like to dance?
Do you do tours like some of the other porn stars? If so come visit Tampa.
hey what's up?
want to chat?
do you have MSN or AIM?
can i get your number?
A porn director gives you an early Christmas gift: you can star in ANY scene you want with whichever and however many other porn stars you want. What's your "fantasy" porn scene?
What do you enjoy most about being a pornstar and having sex on camera? Do you intend on staying in porn for a long time?
HOw do I get my porn scripts read by studios and how do I get them acted out by hot men like yourself?
Hi! I'd like to kno how was your firs time on camera and off. Who was your first partner on a movie?
I was wondering. I have been interested in getting into the industry for a while now. So, how can I become a model?
How about Sydney, Australia for a holiday - we're coming into summer, the exchange rate is phenomenal at the moment (for you!)and it's a whole new set of guys to suck and fuck.
I'd even let you stay in my guest room!
What is the hardest thing about doing porn?
How does it affect your social life, do people recognize you out in public?
if you could change one thing about you what would it be. and not just physical. it can be mental and physical. most people pick one of each if they even think of one.
who is the guy your sucking off with the blurred face? I think he's pretty hot even though his face is blurred. I wouldn't mind sucking him off too!
what is the one thing you won't do on camera??
What kind of food do you like to eat and cook?
can i have sex with you when you're down in LA next time?
Favorite Musical and favorite songs to sing being that you sing.Were you ever in theatre or receive vocal training-vocal, not oral :-)
what is your favorite sexual position
I know you most likely get these questions a lot, but with your bf, and considering you in an obviously open realtionship, but does the sex there become meaningless in that its just a way to get off, or is it still meaningful in that you both love eachother, or is it a combination of both in that sometimes its just getting off and other times its cause you love him?? Another question I have is, How did you and your bf become comfortable enough to allow an open relationship? Granted its no secret you a porn star, but yea, is it make for different circumstances?
Between, working at Corbin Fisher, Chaos Men, Falcon, Nextdoor Male, Active Duty,and many others, you've managed to get fucked my most of my top 20 list of porn stars that I want to hook up with, including 4 of my top 5
5. Ralph Woods
4. Pierre Fitch
3. Brent Corrigan
2. Kaden Saylor
So what I want to know is when are you going to get it on with my all time favorite Canadian export and number 1 on my fantasy wish list..
Brent Everett!!!
If you could meet any person alive or dead, who would it be and why?
Since I figured that you're a SciFi dude,
Do you watch Stargate Sg-1 / Atlantis?
Pls tell me you do or arleast have seenan episode of it.
Once more again your pic of you lying face down is so hot...a pleasure for my eyes.Also do you think it is so difficult to stay without sex for some time. Maybe the fact of "love" is as often as a drug ... Personally I can not spend reports and if I lack I am absolutely must masturbate while thinking about guys who make me crack like you ... he he
Have you already experienced a veritable love affair with a boy who is your double and with whom you find your balance?
Have u ever been to Australia?
You should consider it! If you ever do head down-under, I'd hope you'd look me up!
Cheers mate!
Do you ever participate in phone sex? For clients?
I'm curious,Mason.In your current state of mind,considering how much hornier you now are with all that cum and testosterone backed up inside your delicious round balls...would you give in to a scat-bottom's request to eating a hot load of Manscat out of your juicy puckered asshole???????
you got a gamertag on xbox or something? its how i usually keep busy, gears of war 2? dead space? i mean unless you find zombie locust monsters attractive not much you can get out of that. although once your two weeks are up i'm wondering how crazy of an orgy are you planning and what i'd need to do to get invited
Mason you got a big schnozz,you know dat boyo? Get sum plastik sudgeree.Lmao.JK>
Mason plz leave your bf and cum 2 me hunny.
Only one thing really matters, who is this 3rd boy you are talking about taking on vacation? Is it me? I really need to put in a vacation request ASAP.
Does the smell of a nice, ripe pit get you horny? What about a pair of nuts that have been sweating in a jockstrap all day long?
Im not going to ask a sex question... that just makes it worse... I read on Meet Pierre Fitch that you are a history buff. What era do you like in history? I think its interesting that you want to be a professor... congrats!!
Just to change topic... and try to make you not think about holes to be filled... :) did anyone make you notice you do look like Ryan Gosling?
Does it ever hurt you really bad when doing a movie scene? Like does your cock or ass or even body get sore at all? Just curious. :)
are you top or bottom or both
2 questions:
- what made you decide to use "mason wyler" as your porn name?
- when you were first introduced on corbin fisher, why do you think is the reason they made you a straight guy? i mean, he had a completely convincing story made up about you.
I know you've said that you are nerdy and like to play World of Warcraft. So what kind of character do you like to play? A fighter? A mage? A thief? Etc.
Also, isn't Tommy D a big WoW fan? Have you all ever adventured together?
And have you ever, or do you now, play any table top roleplaying games? D&D, anything from White Wolf, etc.
What about wet dreams?
Technically, they shouldn't count on your sex fast...
You are a good performer. I was sorry to hear you had been raped. Having a cock forced up your ass is not concentual sex for pleasure or pay. This should not hapen to any one. I will send you a donation towards your education of $50.00 - Just email me with your address in Texas and I will mail it to you. I do not used credit cards, cash only. My email address is: - Be sure and call me and let me know that the email is really from you. 563-271-5484
I help my nephew out at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond. I believe gay young men need to be supported to further their education. Porn Star is just a job your performer to pay for school. It will never be full time occupation. Keep on studying and let me know when you graduate.
My best to you and Marcus,
what are your favorite video games for the Xbox 360, and do you ever play on Xbox live
Ever want to get slimed? is now filming in Texas and looking for hot models like you to take part! You would be perfect Mason, and it would be an interesting and fun non-porn model gig for you! You know you thought about it as a kid, but now as an adult it's kind of kinky.
out of the porn scenes you have done, who has been the best fuck.. the one you would love to work with again.. that goes for which company and what actor..
Have you ever been to the UK, perhaps manchester, perhaps macclesfield?
Since you're such a computer gamer, is it safe to assume you play way too much World of Warcraft like the rest of us junkies? If so - what's your favorite toon. If not -- why the heck don't you play??!?!
I see that you have proposed to do some home porn movies with Marcus as the cameraman. Have you considered both doing an amateur reality-type video together? I mean, he's a cute asian boy who has photos on the web and writes about a lot of stuff on the blog, so why not talk about your relationship and show everybody your sex life in a few scenes (maybe including a 3- or 4-way or two)? You could produce it for little money and market it through AMVC, and also the AEBN pay-per-view site as well as selling the DVD yourself.
As for your vacation, go to New Orleans it's fantastic. Friendliest people ever!
If you don't get to go this time, definitely make it for Decadence Weekend sometime (Labor Day weekend).
My question is: were you brought up in any religion?
Just wondering... do you collect anything?
Will you be doing any work with Brent Corrigan anytime soon?
Are you more a fan of sci-fi movies or TV? What are your top 3 favs out of that? Do you do any online gaming other than WoW?
do you play xbox live? if so, whats your gamer tag?!
Do you have the HIV?
I have a question going back to your post about anal hygiene (I only just discovered this blog)... how do you clean the douche itself?
I’ve got the hang of cleaning myself out, but I’m not sure what’s the best way to clean the bulb and the tube.
It’s been great discovering the world of porn on the other side of the screen. I hope you keep writing for a long time! Thanks.
Hey Mason... would you post your rape fantasy again?
did you enjoy having sex with brent corrigan...aka sean and if not why not I would love to see you take on some more marines at active duty second question did ya ever do kurt from corbin fisher seeing you 2 in a scene would be great
Jonah mendell
Rochester NY
big fan here..can i sthere any chance i can get you to take a pic with me so or send me an autographed picture so i can make my friends jealous as hell
i'm curious about people's reaction to your foreskin both in and outside of the industry. how do you feel about it?
do you like what you do
Do you ever send out signed autographs? I can never get to any of your events/cities!
Mason, may I ask a personal request? And no, it's nothing to do with sex. May sound weird, but I need to talk to you privately. I completely understand if you don't want to have a look at this, I completely understand. If I can talk to you privately, then that's great. If not, then I will step back. If you do decide not to speak to me (which as I said, I'll be OK with), then please only think of the word "Masamune". Good luck in your career. And I hope you have a wonderful life with your boyfriend/husband. OK then, I'll wait for your response.
mason bro hollygolightly's hiv question is seriously fucked! DON'T ANSWER! medical info is highly private
I know porn can be a lot of work (no, I haven't modeled myself haha!). Lots of interruptitons for camera angles and lighting, etc. So I'm curious, have you ever had a shoot that was relatively spontaneous/real time?
I agree with what you say, medical information should never be discussed outside your self and your doctor, NEVER!
Ciao then.....
What do you think of the feel of a piercing? Have you ever been tempted to get one yourself? Or does your job mean you wouldn't consider it?
Hey how does one become a citizen of your nation? I have looked throughout your website and didnt find a link. I did find a link to make donations. Is that one and the same?
You have an awesome body and pictures. Tell your brother thank you for fighting for our country as well. So many military men and women are never told that often enough.
Dear Mason, I am one of your bigest fans, I have collected just about every one of your vids that I can find. What I can't find is pictures of you to purchase. I have looked all over the internet even ebay. Can you help me? I will gladly purchase them. Thanks Kevin
whats your ps3 name?
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