Oppressors cheering for the passing of Proposition 8
Voters in Arizona, California, and Florida approved Proposition 102, Prop 8, and Amendment 2. That makes it a total of 28 states that have a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage.
California and Florida both went to Obama. So it would seem that a good amount of people want change for most people just not for gay people. And that's not very nice! Gay people have feelings too.
Agreed. Agreed.
Luckily for us, the US Supreme Court can still tell them to shove it, but that could take a very long while.
Aiden Ash
And Arkansas voted against gay adoption. We still have work to do, even when a Democratic wave sweeps the country.
There is still a small dash of hope for California. Apparently there's still 3 million absentee ballots that have got to be counted, which could potentially turn Prop 8 around. One could hope. I could also be wrong on this, too.
People... do not forget that this Democratic shift/wave/whatever was opposed to Gay Marriage from the beginning. So it is really no surprise to me that these turn of events have happened. The Democratic Wave sweeping the nation has just a bit of a Facist tinge to it.
Living in Arizona, Prop 102 was a joke. We already couldn't get married, but we had domestic partnership so this was a way for the voters to put it into the constitution that marriage is between one man and one woman. Ugh! So frustrating. We have a long way to go.
Depressing. I just hope the tides can be turned with this new sweep of presidential power.
Aiden is right ... the Federal Supreme court can change the US Constitution, overriding the puny state constitutions. It looks like Obama will get to pick 3 justices during his time in office; my hopes are that he will pick people who view the Constitution with a more liberal, open mind, seeing as we are currently dealing with one of the most conservative courts we have had in our history. We all just need to hang tight, and wait it out. =]
the Arkansas adoption prop apparently also means that non-married heterosexual partners also can NOT adopt - so that's why it is even more upsetting that it needed to be called a "ban on gay couples adopting children"
as for 102 and 8 it's ridiculous and in is amazing that the race was so close considering it was asking a minority to vote itself out of discrimination (what if african americans had to vote themselves out of slavery?) - at least we have selected a competent president who gives hope to start change and we can with him work towards equality. One step closer.
try living here
Let's ban straight marriage!
well i hate to say it, but this prop.8 passing isn't entirely our doing. Many of us in CA voted no, but the fear and lies that the supporters used cause this to happen. If we want to put blame on things put that on the Support's lies and fear.
I can't believe that 27 states in this country ban same sex couples from having the right to legally unify their relationships. This stupidity will now affect the poor couples who had the joy of finally getting married legally in California and now will have that stripped away from them due to ignorance and fear. I have been w/ my boyfriend for over 10 years, that's longer than my moms first and second marriage and the thought that people would deny us the right to marry just because we are of the same sex disgusts and saddens me.
i think that is why alot my friends are done with the usa and are leaving for other parts of the world that don't get hung up on what others are doing as much as the victorian era zombies that think they rule here. sad that people want to leave their own country just because they can't be themselves and not mindless robots. i hope those "straight people" legislate that once they are married they aren't allowed to divorce so they have to stay with the ones they pick and that will stop the 50-60% divorce rate that the HETRO'S claim since Homo's are supposedly ruining family and this country. what realm of reality are this people in?
I am deeply ashamed at the bigots in my state, but there will be some legal challenges to see if the ballot should have even been up to a vote.
We can only pray the supreme will make the right decision.
I can not believe it - I thought for sure, California was ready to be the next leader in this issue.
from the article and the comments here, we are just as hateful and uncivil in response as them.
What makes everyone think that this would have passed? It has NEVER passed. And, just because the messiah was elected, guess what kids...HE'S NOT FOR GAY RIGHTS...and has called gays "an abomination." Wake up guys, just because you vote Democrat doesn't mean that the cause is going to be pushed. Raif is right. And Matt, be careful what you wish for. One day, you may not want the supreme court dictating their opinion over the voice of the people. That is a very slippery slope.
~Zack Tedder
Austin, TX
Gay Gentlemen aka Oversensitive Ninny
The big difference here is that gay people aren't hurting anyone by asking for equal rights, we aren't trying to ban straight marriages, we're not limiting other peoples quality of life, so its only natural that we get angry when it happens to us... And I believe there is nothing wrong with expressing it in the manner that I did.
I think we need to get rid of the haters out there! And the best way to do it is.........BLACKMAIL!
Just Kidding! I mean I haven't done that but.........it was just a suggestion.....like when I introduced my straight guy friends into gay sex with me! They enjoyed it but later used it against them when they started calling me names.
Oh wait........scratch that part!
i'm not going to lie, i think that americans need to grow up. they try and portray homosexuals as being whores who sleep around. they restrict us from giving blood for fear that we are more likely to have STDs. And now, when we want to be in lifelong commitments to the ones we love, we are being told no. am i the only one who sees the hypocrisy with this. they accuse us of sleeping around and then don't afford us the opportunity to have a binding relationship. seems a bit off.
Being from california. I can let you know, so many californians are ashamed of their state right now....
but the fight isn't over yet....
I am so disheartened by the results in California and other states regarding civil rights. However, I think fighting over semantics is a waste of time.
Here's the thing - it doesn't matter what you call it - marriage, civil union, domestic partnership, whatever. As long as all of the LEGAL rights are the same as a heterosexual married couple, they can call it a peanut butter and jelly sandwich if they want to. Here's how it will go - no one is going to say, "this is my domestic partner" or "we were civilly unioned last week". People are going to use the terms "marriage" and "husband/wife" regardless. And then, it'll just become mainstream and the one man/one woman thing will still be on the books but will become one of those archaic laws such as you can't whip your donkey in town square on a Tuesday.
Fight the fight that's important. If we're gonna fight over words and semantics, nothing will EVER get accomplished.
I am stil in shock that California voted in favor of Prop 8. Living in a southern state (TN), I could understand it happening here. But CA is supposed to be the bastion of the rights of the minorities. All I can say for sure is that we can not give up, we have to continue to fight for equality, even when there are those in our own ranks who would pull us down.
Just be sure to refer to each other as "husband" in front of everyone you meet on the street. Act like nothing happened. Don't let them take away that term from you. They might be able take away your rights, but you are still married in your eyes and the eyes of your God. So fuck 'em!
While we did vote to end the national bigotry against blacks, Americans still have a ridiculous bigotry against gays.
I am extremely happy for the victory of Barack Obama as our President! Besides clearly selecting an intelligent and very capable American to be President, we also sent a signal to all the world that THAT bigotry is over, that THAT black mark on our national history is over.
However, in the same election, the people of California, Arizona, and Florida voted to continue the bigotry against our nation's last minority. What's worse: voters chose to write this disgusting bigotry into the constitution!
Our Founding Fathers specifically declared over 200 years ago that all men are "created equal".
When will we end bigotry in America completely?
My voyfriend and I can't get married but at least we can blow each other and eat one another's poop and hump bareback until we creem each uzzer's holes up.
Mushta rish da fushbar.Ayo gwan le pongo anangdan we simyo ke pushti,che kannu? Tiryo mwen ayanghan do dalimbate ening bat bifunda kam goyo imjamba.Dasu kuri ma mwuballisan enchi kohta.Etto? Ma aso mwi gey marriage ba nyong i puhda,lome lu amerika bolendigul annan sa komeitu.Ettoki?
Well, call me unpatriotic, but I think we should all pack up and move to Canada! It’s hard to be proud of your country when it is not proud of you. So I say; do you not want us? Then fine. They want to stereotype all of us? They might rethink all of this since all we are to them are the creative people who have style and who do clothes, places, plan events, etc... Boy there will be a lot of ugly looking people living in tacky houses going to lame events when the gay crowd splits. Hmmm... the last think Obama said in his victory speech (after thanking his wife for her support) was “If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible; … tonight is your answer.” Well yes, we got OUR answer from the states; it was not a good one. Obama, we are glad you won and that you feel like anything is possible for you... but please tell me how am I supposed to match your feelings when some of us can't even relate to the ‘thanking our spouse’ part of your speech since we can’t even get married, more-less be able to understand the “anything is possible’ part. So, anyone want to share a u-haul to Canada?
I think this whole thing sucks! I can't believe what people are thinking!!
Minority rights can never be put to a vote and expect a fair outcome. The numbers are automatically against us.
Hopefully, as happened here in Canada, the Supreme Court will step in and make some better sense of it all.
A sad day for gay rights, indeed.
Florida too at least cali had gay marriage florida just passed prop 2 defining marriage between a man and a woman.
hey mason im a big fan... first time visitor to your blog... i saw this picture and it reminded me of one of those self-esteem posters that you saw everywhere in elementary school that had stuff like "character" and "Teamwork" lol but yes i was really sad to hear a bout prop 8... cali republicans are fucked up...
I agree, Mason. All people, no matter what orientation they are, should be allowed to marry.
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