My brother is alot of things that I am not. He is cool and easy going. Disciplined and responsible. He can get along with almost anybody and has no problem fitting in wherever he goes. I stick out like a sore thumb. Every time he found himself in a tough position, he'd always take it in stride whereas I'd flip out at every obstacle I encountered. He was always the one with the brains and the looks. I just tried harder. He played sports for fun, I hit the gym out of necessity. He'd read the chapter once and ace the test. I'd study for hours and still fail. By the time his high school days were over and mine began, it was apparent that there was only one thing I beat him at... dick size, mine is bigger. But regardless of our differences, we accept each other and love each other unconditionally.
He was great at math and loved cars. I figured he'd turn out to be a mechanical engineer or something along those lines. So I was shocked when I found out he opted to join the Navy instead of going to College. Eventually that shock turned into pride, just like when he found out I was gay. I think when I first told him, he was utterly disgusted and grossed out. But it didn't take much time for his disgust to turn into acceptance and support. Now whenever I visit him, he insists on taking me out to the gay bars and asking me about my love life. He's so open and understanding that I can't believe I didn't tell him sooner. My brother is definitely a person I know I can count on.

In the words of countless elementary schools kids past and present, "My big brother is cooler than your big brother."
I have wished I had a brother for most of my life! Your so lucky Mason to have one, and for him to not care that your gay!! That is totally awesome!!!!
The person that I'm proud of is my Grandpa! He was in the army, and fought in World War 2. He was a Para Trooper, served both in North Africa, and in Europe. He dropped in behind enemy lines in Europe, and fought in Germany it's self towards the end of the war. He left us 4 years ago in August, and there isn't a day I don't miss him.
WOW... it's really amazing how much you two look alike. Does your brother ever get mistaken for you when he's out in public? You guys are both really good looking!! Your parents must have great genes.
It's nice that you have such trust in a family member. I totally trust my older sister. It feels like we have something in common. We both take pride that our siblings are understanding of your orientation (sexually) and they are having a good life too.
You definitely see the resembelance between both of you. You sure do look like the younger brother.
Times like these are precious...Don't let them go to waste.
Take care Mason
I would have to say just like you my brother would be the person i admire the most except the only difference is he is my twin brother who is only older by 3 minutes lol. He is my bestfriend and i dont know what i would do without him when i told him i was gay he was actually super happy about it and was like yes i always thought it would be cool to have a gay twin brother and it brought us closer together.
thats cool that your big brother is so open and understanding about your life style. my younger brothers are like that.It is nice to see two brothers of different sexualities getting alone like you two.
Very good. I think that you expressed yourself very well. You are blessed to have that relationship with him. You know, I read a lot of your blogs. You express yourself very well.
I agree with you. Your older brother is much cooler than mine. Whereas my older brother is the most self- centered person I know, you have a great brother who you can also have as a friend. I can tell you for a fact that I have talked on the phone longer with you than I have my with brother in the last 5 years, and we live 30 minutes from each other.
You have the chance Mason, because this is not true for everyone ... I can count on my sister but not my brother. I do not reveal my sexuality ambivalent because it is taboo in our family ... Your brother understand you now, it is as you say the opposite of you, but it is better because it is on these people that we can really count and rely on a friendly shoulder.
For me the person I am very proud of is my mother because she is still right in difficult times, it was deprived of many things for us. She was hiding for crying when life was too hard. It has often been injured but has forgiven, she gave a lesson of life to my brother, my sister and moi.I 'm very proud for her, and now I am pleased to take care of her while it is sometimes difficult.
Thank you for this question Mason.
I guess our family has similarities too as I am in the Navy and my brother came out to me last year. I have accepted him but I will not hesitate to shoot him point blank if he ever were to be selling his body for sex and bringing disgrace to our family name. I am proud however, that he is getting married to his long-time boyfriend next year and me and my Mom are fully standing by his side.
My brother was cool as well, Mason. I enjoyed our time together. He was 4 yrs older than me. Sadly, he took his life Sept 29, 2001 because of depression and meds not working like they should. Cherish your brother... I know.. you will miss him if something happens to him.
Good to see you have a great relationship!
Love your blog, btw :-)
I am also very proud of my brother. I am adopted and for the first 20 or so years of my life he was the bigger bro even though i am older. Now it has switched. I just wish that i could find the words to tell him how much he means to me. There are probably not enough words in the world to do that. I am very close to my bro and since I live in Austin and he in Minnesota it is hard to see him. I must say that is the most important person in my life. I miss him a lot and wish i could seem him this holiday season. well that is my blog and I am very happy to see that you have a similar relationship with your bro as i do. Well this is my first commment so hope it is good. Just wanted to let the world know how much i love my bro.
You're very lucky all around believe me. I have a younger bro and we have no contact at all...not that I don't try to connect several times a year. I pretty much feel like an orphan.
Keep him close.
There's just something about brothers. I have two, one older, one younger. I was always the one that stood out - they're way more alike an I'm the black sheep. They're both great guys. They can piss me off quicker than anyone but there's no one I'd rather have in my corner during any of life's hardships. It's such an amazing thing when you go from being brothers, to being friends as well.
Im leaving a comment Mason. lol o you dont yell at me again....and i promise ill try and comment on each and every blog from now on...Anywho...Your brother is sooo hotttt...and im glad u put up that blog about the cut or uncut..cause I was wondering that...soo...how old is ur brother? and we know how big ur dick is...how about his. :D
look forward to hearing from u again soon ;)
Actually my older brother is in the army and he was a little shocked when I told him I was gay but now is very supportive. However, as one of the other posters said he will probably shoot me if I wanted to prostitute myself. I guess my sister will do that before him :-)
I just wanted to thank everyone for sharing their stories with me, I enjoyed reading every comment y'all posted, even the ones that feel it is disgraceful to be doing porn. And to those people, if any of your brothers would shoot you over something like that, then I think its safe to say they don't really love you.
Fortunately, my brother is not ashamed of who I am or what I do. He supports me as I support him.
that's the sweetest thing i've ever seen. i just will leave you wit hthat
it is nice to know that you have a sweet brother and you and him have amazing eyes and your brother is an amazing person like you are and the person i am proud of is my sister she has been in the navy for over 9 years now an it is because of her i had the courage to join the air force
Never be discouraged by anyone! Ever! Even if they are family relatives! You are who you are!
When I came out, I was embarassed, ashamed and even depressed. But it was one of the best things in my life. Listen to Beautiful by Christina Aguilera. She may not be the best of singers, but that song has significant meaning, especially to me.
I have a mental disability, possibly like many people here. I wa diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome when I was 10 years old. It has been a rollercoaster for me.
I've battled depression, and I'm still fighting it.
Yet, when I hear stories like that, my body feels....strangely warm, and sensitive.
As I said before, never take shame from anyone. You are yourself for a reason. Of course we all want to please others; that is a human thing basically.
Hey, why take advice from an old samurai such as myself? ^^
Look after each other....I'm praying my sister is safe all of the time.
Take care in this life....all of you who read this.
I can't say than I proud for just one member of my family: I just love my siblings and parents a lot!!! My bro and sis, both are my heroes. I have an old brother, who always has been the kind of second father. He is 4 years older than me, 6 inches taller than me and 40 pounds bigger than me. He is my best friend. He had the looks, I had the brains. My sister is one year younger, and I can not even tell what I feel about her. She is my baby sis and sit with her or lay in bed and have pillow talk is always one of the most beautiful experiences. Amazingly, for both, I have been alway the "baby" of the family. My parents had been supportive, loving, amazing and wonderful. It never mattered what we were, what we wanted or what we had done, they just love us for what we are. I can not be more bless to have the family I have.
Congrats Wyler! I love your space and for the ones than have a bad comments, just let me tell you this:
"you bozo, go back to your short minded place, because we are free, happy, proud and family and God save me bones to have to deal with someone in the low level of energy like you! Ding, ding, the door of heaven are waiting for us."
you guys look like an amazing duo. you guys look like each other too! its amazing how you two get along so well.
Lucky you to have a big brother that you can count on everything.I'm can't tell the same, I have one brother and 4 sisters.My older brother doesn't know that I'm gay even my family doesn't know.
I can't stand my brother when he visits my mom and ultimately I can't stand anyone here.
So Mason you are blessed to have a cool brother on you side.
You should show us a picture of your brother without his shirt. I still think I'd like you better, as you said you were smoothe while he was hairy. Body hair turns me off. It's amazing how much you look alike though!
i'm curious . i just wanna ask , do you shave your legs ? and does shaving legs for guys means or signifies that they are gay ?
awe :] that's so cute.
you look so identical!
good that there's one for each sex
may i ask how you know that you have a larger cock then your brother and about his circumcision? is that something you 2 discuss openly? just curious. he seems very comfortable with you and all that comes with that.
p.s. you're great.
Your blog is very moving and shows a seldom seen, but obviously powerful and human side of "Mason." Your fraternal relationship is remarkable and enviable. Best wishes!
If your brother thinks there is nothing wrong with prostituting yourself then he is as disgusting as you...I guess it runs in the family!
I know a lot of people will disagree with me on this, but you can't exactly put your parents in this category. There will always be a certain amount of slight embarrassment between you and your parents. With siblings, it's easier because they are of a similar age to you, and you can speak to them about more things thanj you do with your parents. I think to be honest, we are all too conscious about what other people think. That is a ridiculous excuse. If you are happy with yourself, then why should anyone else's opinion matter?
Am I right, or am I right?
State your issues, positive or negative at my e-mail address:
Bye then
well for me i only know one of my three brothers and i can't say that is that amazing cause he is still living at home at the age of 28 and i am living on my own as of the age of 18 and i finish high school and he on the other hand did not but i love him just the same as if he had done the same things as me.....even if we fight lie there is is no tomorrow but the person that i am proud of the most is my grandma cause even in her old age she is the greatest person that i know and when i came out to her i was the one that was shocked my it cause i never thought that she would be so excepting about who i am
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