What makes Zack a cut above the rest? Lets start from the top down. He has a boyish yet devilishly handsome face. His smile seems to reveal a mischievous side. A side of him that I would love to explore.

Mr. Cook has what I would consider to be the perfect muscular development. Some guys can be too small and others can be too big, Zack is just right. I could literally get down on my knees and worship his muscles like it was a religion. His body is a work of gym sculpted art.

Then there's his dick. I don't know specifics but it looks like an appetizing piece of cut meat if ever I saw one. It definitely makes my mouth water and my hole hungry. I am certain, if given the chance I would be more than happy to suck his cock, have him use my hole, and swallow his spunk.

He is so fucking hot to me that I would beg, steal, and borrow just to be in a scene with him. I'd give my left nut just to lick his right nut. I'd foot the bill and start my own porn company just to hire him as my first scene partner and lick up his freshly shot load off of his sweat drenched chest.

If I were ever so lucky to get to work with Zack, I'd probably instantaneously orgasm upon hearing the news. And then again as soon as he got naked in front of me. And then again as soon as I got a taste of his dick. And then again as soon as his dick penetrated my hole. Hell, I'll probably blow my load half a dozen times if we ever shoot a scene together. But believe me when I say, I'll make sure that Zack cums just as much.

Hahaha Mason... i think you are so much cuter than Zack, if i thought other wise i will be on cooknation.com :P
HAWTNESS! It would be awesome to see you making a video with him!
Keep dreaming buddy. Zack is straight and is gay only for pay with other straight guys. He won't touch you with a 10 Yard pole! You are just relegated to the ugly, latino and out-of-shape guys that you suck most of the time.
No matter how hot you think he is...your so much hotter/sluttier/sexier then he could ever be!
i think you're wrong - Zack is not that hot, nor a turn on - I'd have to pass seeing you two in a flick together.....way better out there
you must be high or something ! Not a good call on your part....If he is the hottest of over 100 plus models you've been around - then I know for sure I haven't missed anything by not seeing you in action....scared of you ! ewwwwww
you really know how to pick your men :)
yuck that guy is gross
He's OK, but he's no Brent Everett, and I have seen you with many other guys that I think are much hotter like Kaden Saylor (hot as Hell), Tommy D.(the guy I want next door) and Zack Randall (Hot and Smart, this guy just oozes sex appeal, how can you look into those smoldering eyes and not fall in love?)
I must agree with you Mason. I've never seen him before until now. Excellent taste!
Sorry dude, but thats what I think about you so I'm sorry to say he, dosnt do it for me like you do... not even close
Oh no honey, you can pick someone better than that, even that boob Cody Cummings is better than Zack. Aside from the fact that he's "straight", he slept with Jake Cruise, yuk! I'm not making any judgments, about him, but you've had better.
There are a some new boys at Dink's you can have (Randy, Gage (yum) and Gio). I'm just not feeling this Zack Cook guy at all. Cheers.
Are you fucking serious? THIS GUY?! He's ugly. His body is average and there's nothing amazing about him in these pictures. I think he might be hot in person but I've never met him or seen him in a clip...so I would PASS if you 2 were fucking. Great for you, but I wouldn't think twice of how hot it would be to watch it.
He looks boring.
Zack Cook is totally hot, in a sexy kind of way. He's a bit fat in those photos, but he usually looks so ripped. Yes, he is straight, but he enjoys every minute of it. He did this show where he let audience members suck him off. It was hot.
thats cool mason
I want your cock though(smiles)
Jonah Mendell
Rochester NY
He i hot but not as hot as you!!
I think you are hotter...
OMG yes I would love to see both of you together in a flip flop. Since you both have worked for Tommy D maybe he could make it happen and he can bore your hole too.
just for the sake of comparison, of your previous scene partners who are the ones you found the hottest on and off camera?
mason, have you ever thought about writing dirty storys, cause from reading some of your last posts i thought i was going to rip through my pants, bravo on the hot writing
awesome....great pics of this hunk...I like he position in pic 5...I really enjoy it when I am laying like that with the guy sliding his cock down my throat
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