I've always said that I was sleazy, but I never said that I was easy.
Contrary to what some may believe, getting asked by random people if I would have sex with them actually doesn't happen all that often. The times that I do get asked that are usually through the internet and mostly by picture-less strangers. I'm the kind of guy that always looks before he leaps. Which is usually why my initial answer to said picture-less stranger is a resounding, no.

Outside of making love with Marcus, the chances of me having sex is almost entirely dependent upon physical attraction between me and the other parties involved. Ideally, an extramarital sex partner would consist of someone that I find both physically AND mentally attractive, but let me be perfectly honest, I normally don't get both. In the cases where there is no mental connection but the guy possesses what I consider to be physical beauty, then that is usually enough to suffice. As for guys that have great personalities but who I find to be physically unattractive, it's safe to say that sex with me won't be happening.
Sure, I have sex with plenty of guys that I barely know. Yes, I do alot of naughty things both on and off camera. But that doesn't mean that I would have sex with everybody and anybody with a dick. I only get it on with guys I have the hots for.
In the context of a casual hook-up, a fuck buddy, or an on screen fling, physical beauty can usually make up for a lack luster personality but the most beautiful inside is unlikely to ever be enough to make up for an ugly outside. And please remember that everyone has their own opinion and their own tastes. Just because I don't want you doesn't mean the next guy won't either.
Don't take this answer to mean that I think I'm hotter than hell and can get anyone that I want because I definitely don't believe that at all. I know that there are plenty of guys that I would LOVE to get it on with that wouldn't touch me with a 10 foot pole.
Don't take this answer to mean that I only go for young, hung, muscle gods, because that is absolutely false, my taste in men is very eclectic. I like guys of all sorts. With that being said, I should also make it clear that I am not running a sex charity.
So will I spread my legs for you? It depends on what you look like and whether or not I find you attractive. And no, paying me won't make a difference in whether or not I have sex with you.
You nailed that one right on. I personally usually have to be attracted to someone's personality as well before I do anything with someone. No way in hell would I do anything with a total jerk.
Maybe someday...
I totally agree...but with me its kinda different..they can be gorgeous...but if their personality is rude..mean..condesending or anything of the likes...they are automatically ugly to me..weird huh? ok for my question...have u ever had sex with any of ur on screen co-stars, off screen?
I find that the more attractive the guy is the more cocky he is and i like a good dick but attitude is a big turn off so with me its about the whole package no pun intended! lol
wow. i feel awesome cuz i was the one who asked this question. a whole post dedicated to my one burning question which will never go fulfilled. sigh...
Mason,seriously.Whenare you gonna get that big bazooka you call a nose fixed?Hmmmmmm?
erm,I would not want to sleep w u.I imagine u got all kindz uv skaky diseases.N'est-ce pas?
Wasn't that Army captain who raped you physically attractive? Yet you say strangers can send you their photos and if you find them hot that's enough? At least frisk them for guns this time.
I think Mason is right. The whole package, physical and mental attraction is really the ideal, but a guy who I am drawn to on a purely personable and intellectual level is not a sex partner, but a friend. If the only attraction is physical attraction, the the boy is good for a few rides, for sure. This is, of course, contingent on them not being a mean snobby pretentious jackass. Though then again, that can be attractive in some circumstances to...
It is sad people think that just because you work in the sex industry, you'll have sex with anyone.
Gawd, there are some bitter queens who keep reading this blog. One wonders why if they find the content to be so lacking!
I, for one, realize that "Mason Wyler" is a persona, not a real person. I like the fact that he has sex, some pretty hot sex, and some pretty kinky sex, all for us to see. Sure, he gets paid for it.
If you don't like him drinking piss, or taking bare dick, then take his website off your favorites list.
I'd have sex with him in a heartbeat. But realistically, I know it won't happen. But I can dream!
Dear Rafundel-
I did not mean "easy" in the hetero sense... of course I don't make a guy wait very long to get my hole... if I think he's hot. I meant I'm not easy in the sense that I don't sleep with just any random guy that asks....
Also please read... I said "Don't take this answer to mean that I think I'm hotter than hell and can get anyone that I want because I definitely don't believe that at all. I know that there are plenty of guys that I would LOVE to get it on with that wouldn't touch me with a 10 foot pole."
Mason you so very hot.I like see you in lycra.
hola q tal soy de peru (hi how are u Im from peru), quisiera conversar contigo (I want to talk whith you), de veras siento lo del capitan... (I really sorry about the capitan...),espero que estes bien ahora(I hope you are fine) (No soy tan bueno hablando inglés/Im no so good speaking english!!!) jeje mi email es (my mail is) ivan89_2007@hotmail.com tengo 19 años (Im 19), espero me respondas! (I hope you answer me!)
Don't know .. But I'd love to know who the guy is in the picture with you. He looks HOT !!.
Is there a video ??
I am confused...so this means you will not have sex with men you find unattractive for money? Lucky that you get to pick you coworkers
For my part I am not asking for sex with you Mason, (The U.S. and France are very distant) and my boyfriend is very cool and sufficient for me.
It is true that the vision of your body is exciting and want to make love with you even 5 minutes ... Make love to love sexually is not what I want personally, the is essential to seek feelings, so that the act of love is wonderful, and that something good appears between the two.
When we pay for love there are no more feelings ...
PS: your photos above are very hot thanks Mason ...
Its more like that Ive been lucky that all the scenes I get offered to be in are with guys I find attractive... its rare for me to actually call a studio up and say I want to work with _______ and actually get it.
It's cool for you to work with boys who are beautiful. If I had to be in your place and that they propose not beautiful guy I will be wrong in my head. Is there came a boy you really like during filming? What are you doing in this case Mason?
Yes, yes, yes... You can... but as a whole no, i need to have some conversation before... I'm not choseie and i love sex, sometimes i can't get enough... I love to be kissed, touched, talked too, and held... i love long walks, stopping for a drink and some small talk then going some place and having hot sex... works for me
i think your attractive and gogs gift and would wanna make love to you
Mason, you are a gorgeous young man and forget the fucking haters although they seem to command more of your attention. So I for one would love a roll with you but oh yeah I do every time I pop you in my dvd player or the various websites that post your hottness. I enjoy your big nose, big ears and that hot cock and hole you share so well with us and yes your piisasode with Jeremiah was hot as hell dude.SO keep doin what you are doin and those of us that love you and obviously those hatin on you will keep watching dude
if someone just came up to me and asks for sex...well im not in a commited relationship...so .that would be a maybe.
- i'd rather get to know a person first....do ..the teasing thing ...rub against him...well you know..instead of going straight to it. THat doesnt mean that if ...say...you would bend over in front of me that id say....no...
I think its complicated...and us gay guys..well i think we put too much importance on sex.
well as a leg spreader myself i don't know if i should be responding haha! i definitely think anonymous sex has it's place. i'm a grad student, am not in a relationship, and about once a month i attend these very selective safe sex parties. every guy is hot. very little talk, except for dirty :) it's all about raw physical attraction. and i'm not going to lie: it's a serious turn on when lots of hot guys think i'm hot and want to fuck me. maybe i'll run into one of them sometime and we'll form a deeper connection, but if it's just a one shot deal that's fine, too.
So I guess my answer is that when I'm in situations that are all about sex, I don't give a rat's ass about the personality of the guy that's fucking me, so long as he's hot -- and wearing a rubber!
That said, even if we haven't said a word I think my sense of a guy's personality informs my perception of his hotness. And of course you can always tell a lot about a guy's personality on how he fucks.
Darn - And I was hoping to catch up with you in your post-porn now escort career. lol
British nutter alert! Yeah it's me again ^^
Just be very careful about how you approach this subject. You may give the wrong impression to someone who may stalk you. Just be careful OK?
P.S. Personality is more important than looks, because looks can deceive; personality cannot deceive.
Good luck
I'd tap it ;-)
I like a guy who is both attractive physically and mentally. I totally agree with you Mason. Just because you work in the industry doesn't mean you would spread your legs for anyone. I hate a guy who is stuck up and thinks only about himself.
i actually lived an active life and enjoyed the sex with guys i knew and didnt really know and never worried about their ages i loved getting screwed no matter by who this doesnt make me a bad person but if i knew that the gay world of porn was out there paying guys to get nailed on camera then i would have been in porn getting nailed by anyone ever wanted to nail me---and as i am older now have i changed in a way yes but wouldnt turn down a good screwing for nothing
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