***Part Fact, Part Fiction***

Contrary to what some may think, we don't have sex outside of our relationship all the time. We don't have threesomes and foursomes like it was going out of style. I don't come home everyday to find some random stranger pounding my mans hole and Mason doesn't wake up every night to the sounds of me sucking off some guy in the bathroom. Although, all of that does happen from time to time, it never diminishes what we feel towards each other, sexually and emotionally. If anything it just spices things up.
There are many things that I love about being with Mason. Him being in adult videos is one of them. I'm a voyeur at heart so for me, getting to watch hot men lay pipe deep inside my porn slut's hungry ass is definitely a plus. There are no words to describe how hot is it for me to watch Mason getting plowed on video while I plow him in person.
Already disgusted? Then quit reading.
Turned on? Then keep reading!
Another big perk of being this porn slut's boyfriend is that he let's me choose and pick the guys that we have over for fun. If I don't like a guy that he wants, I have veto power. On the other hand, if I like a guy that he doesn't, he still lets me have him. Probably to make up for the fact that he has alot more sex outside of just the two of us because of his day job. But double standards aside, it's still a power trip to play the pimp of such a hot whore.
For example, the times that I have walked in on some guy breeding Mason's jizz addicted pussy, its usually a guy that I picked and sent over while I was out. I love coming home to find a show already in progress. Sometimes I do a little audience participation and offer up my hole to get used as well. It's always fun to see which hole gets the load. Sometimes we get a surprise and the guy cums twice. But regardless of how things play out after the guy leaves, I always blow my load in my slut's freshly fucked boy cunt.
Its also very amusing to see what guys will do and say just to get a piece of my mans ass. And trust me when I say that I don't let just anyone use my cock slut of a boyfriend. A guy has to undergo quite the screening process to get through the front door. It might take me awhile to find an attractive guy that is willing to go through all the steps just for a whore but when they do, it's always worth the effort.
It's fucking hot to see the look on Mason's face when there's a knock at the door and he has no clue who it might be. He opens it up, a guy walks in, and Mason immediately knows what he's there for. To use his throat and hole as a cum dump. The faggot drops to his knees, pulls the guys dick out, and starts doing what comes naturally to him. Sometimes in the middle of it I call over more men and turn it into an all out gang fuck on his sloppy cunt. Nothing better than watching a bottom slut getting stuffed full of cock, fucked past his limits, and turned into a cum rag. Don't you agree?
After all is said and done, Mason's hole is left torn up and leaking but he always wants more. And so do I. One day I'd love to come home and find him like the picture below:
so what's the first step one must take in order to make that happen?
Well said and I sure would like to help make the cartoon picture come to life!
The true parts are probably the veto power on who comes over, and how much you two love each other. It's a great thing the two of you have
Sounds hot man love an invite. Mason is hot as hell.
You Know Marcus i must agree with what you said ya i like to bring in a third party sometimes to let my boy play it is so hot to watch and such a turn on. You and Mason have a great love and I thank you both for sharing it with us.
Pretty hot Dude. Much Props. If you guys are ever around D.C./B-more hit a brotha up.
will,i think your relation ship it too mature, and you have a lot of confindence in your partner, i think is good, and hot!
Well, let's think about it this way. There needs to be at least one couple in this world who needs to do it, right? We all have our specific roles in life, and if one couple has to do those activities, then just leave them to it. They seem happy enough doing it; and if people have a problem with it, then they can go fuck themselves (sorry for the language).
There are times when I want to just rip those people's heads off, because it oesn't fit into their schedule. Pussies! The lot of them!
My advice would be to say encouraging comments about this, not negative comments. The whole point of this blog i to share opinions, but because we are the human race, we always take it a little bit too far. I'm sorry if you don't agree, but that is the truth! You could definitely say that about the English. They are slightly too snobbish for their own good. The good thing is, I'm not like that; luckily! XD
Look at me wittering on, all of you would have probably fallen asleep listening to the boring Ennglishman. I understand, we Brits do get boring from time to time, but back to the roles, we have to do this, so don't blame us lol
Getting late for me, I'll see you all later.
Have fun in your American Base! (don't ask why, I thought it was cool at the time)
As an extra note, I do apoligise for my very long comments. I do tend to witter on from time to time.
See ya later
I most certainly would be the first one in line!
Very enjoyin post and u guys r the best
i love this blog. honestly. i love all your blogs. you are so lucky to have such a great guy. i am jealous (:
Hey marcus and mason
Its brian ;)
mason..thanx for the advice the other night...u were a hugeee help and reall helped put things in focus..now onto ur blog...i think the truth part is the veto power.cause i know mason luves u soo much and would do anything for you...i also think the truth is the sex between u guys and other people...but i agree its not constant and an ever day thing..the lies are the gangbangs and multiple men using him for a cumdump..although im sure its happened once or twice and he luved it! bye guys
Its great that you two really love each other emotionally and romantically so YES, it's easy to discern which parts are true and which are fiction.
If you 2 are ever in Chicago, I'd be up for meeting just to say hello. Send me an email @ guy0071@gmail.com ;-)
Everything is big in TX, especially the love you and Mason share for each other.
Well Marcus, I hope to HELL that the cumdump thing is pure fantasy! I want you guys to stay healthy. As I said before, I want to see and enjoy Mason's vids as long as he wants to make them.I hope you guys have a long and loving life together.
Steven J upstate NY.
i'll cum all over your man... this is a hot blog
Well, well...it appears that Mr. Marcus Wyler is every bit as talented a writer as his cum slut husband...your detailed descriptions of Mason taking a hot, wet cock while you admire from a distance got me wet...who needs pictures when your writing gets me off just the same...
So when he begins his webcam/phone sex marathon, imagine the voyeur opportunities you'll have...listening and watching as Mason phone fucks guy after guy, talking dirty to him, telling how they're going to breed his hot, hungry hole...the fact that he hasn't busted in 2 weeks sure will give you something to be thankful for this Thanksgiving when that first gusher is unleashed...the problem is, webcam is not good enough for me...I'd love a crack at both of your asses...up close, personal and hardcore..
It's obvious who wears the pants in this family...you're my new favorite Wyler...hehe
What is it with people who want to be anonymous, and then state their names at the end? What is the point? Get an account just like the rest of us, PLEASE!
Try not to abuse the system if you can.
Then again, that's just me trying to be the responsible one here. It's going to be impossible to have someone else who is just as socially aware as I am?
Well, I suppose the gay community do tend have a lack in social awareness...Maybe I'm just different...
Who gives a shit anyway?(sorry for the language)
Your trusted Samurai
I forgot to mention, there needs to be talented writers for this kind of occupation. Seriously, even 2 year olds would know that special writers are essential to achieve maximum potential.
If you got someone who doesn't know how to write properly, then there would be no success, AT ALL!
Could people just use common sense once in a while? Much obliged
Bye then
Guys, I can't be to enthusiastic about this post ...
Aren't you afraid that this evil ex-Marine-guy may see this as a sort of invitation to come back and hurt Mason again ?
I think the only part not true is calling over all the men you can for a gang fuck. You love Mason more than that implies. You sound like you'd even plan that out with people you both agreed to if you did do it. I think Mason might get enough of that at work. An extra or 2 every now & then sounds more usual for you.
Hmm... seems like you want to organize a rape for Mason... that would be hot... he would have no idea that his boyfriend set him up for another rape
if it makes you happy then fuck what outhers and all seem to be relly happy and in love
2 i also want to know what's the first step one must take in order to make that happen?
A pathetic job by the Wyler nation paid writers on this fantasy...I yawned and gave up reading one quarters of the way. I think if they talked about BBC News, National Geographic it would have made for a more enjoyable read.
Why have you got the BBC homepage on your site? You're not even British! I'm the only one here that I know who is British here.
By the way JAck, don't even try to joke about rape and rapists! That is a very sensitive area. If you tried to speak to Mason about it, he would literally blow up in your face! DON'T EVEN JOKE ABOUT IT!
Couples that play - stay together! We agree. Sounds like you guys have a great relationship. Life is short - enjoy it all, because when we are 70 in a rocking chair....we'll have great memories. Sex is sex. And love is love! If you boys get to Chicago again, would love to meet up and submit our application!
That fucking hot, I don't care if all parts are true or not... it's still one hell of a story. Now what are these steps??? ;)
I sent you a story of mine for the fiction section and was just wondering if you liked it or not. Please reply as soon as possible.
well I don't know what are the true parts since I don't really know ether of you
but I hope the parts that are true are the ones about how you both truly love each other and though you enjoy adding a guy or two to spice things up you don't just have a constant orgy going even though that might be very HOT from time to time
also I hope that you are a bit of a voyeur and that you like seeing your man play with other guys while not being jealous
also I hope that you do get to say that you don't like a guy that he may pick and that you are choosy of who you invite to join you both though I hope he can say no too fair is fair
as for the stuff I kinda hope is untrue
I hope you both don't make going bareback a regular thing cause I would hate to see ether of you hurt I saw that mason like BB porn (who doesn't) but hiv is on the rise again so I hope you two play safe with others
and I hope you don't like seeing your man called faggot and stuff seems less loving if its like that
that all said I think you have a talent for erotic writing its fun to have fantasies that are very wild and crazy but I think that having them stay as fantasies is pretty sexy too so long as you have someone who you can share them with
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