
Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Gay Drew Carey

When he asks, "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" He isn't referring to the show...

Add Your Own Caption HERE


Anonymous said...

Drag Queens who just don't try.

Anonymous said...

You refer to Drew Carey as a "stud muffin"? He's more like a fruit cake. He was the least interesting character on his show (The Drew Carey Show) and it was HIS SHOW!!!! I know you must like him though. I heard he's got a porno collection in his basement that looks like he owns his own XXX video store. Walls with shelves and shelves of videos and DVDs.

sjchan said...

Hey girlfriend, it takes a lot of energy to look this good and know what price is right

Spherical Time said...

"Anyone looking for a masculine guy for tonight? Ignore the pink drink, it's just a one time thing."

JT said...

sorry i had to go for the easy one... "its the kool aid man... OHHH YEAAAAAAA!"

Andrew said...

Well, actually he plays TWO characters on The Drew Carey Show, himslef and the fat lady. This photo was obviously taken in between takes as he's halfway between both characters...I think

PJ said...

Mason, go with the 4th guy from the bottom.. he looks like the freaky type and youd have a lot of fun.. and if not, can i have him? lol

Rav's_Desire said...

UGH...that turns my stomach XD
I'm already sick and ill as it is, so having this picture in my line of vision really gives a reason to heave lol
My caption would be something like:
"Wankers R' Us! Wank, Wank hooray!
Wank, Wank hooray! Wank, Wank hooray!"
Or something like that ^_~
Take care

Matt said...

Just one question: is this guy wearing any pants?!

Kevin said...

Does anyone else have the "Big Deck" skit running through thier heads ?

Anonymous said...

Do U want this 8x7 uc

Anonymous said...

"But yea honey...Can you believe she showed up in the same outfit as me? I gotta get out of here. "