In my post titled, "
A Guilty Pleasure", I revealed my affinity for Eastern European Bareback Porn Flicks and the boys that star in them. I said that if I was only more daring or more stupid that I would be in Prague getting my ass plowed
bareback by all the hot gay cock that the Czech Republic has to offer. Well today I want to confess that I might actually be that daring/stupid. That's right, I can't deny it any longer, I want to be an American barebacking bottom slut for Hot Eastern European Porn Models, taking load after load deep inside me until my ass looks like a torn-up cream filled twinkie. If given the chance I would let most of those Czech boys breed my hole raw but here are a few studs in particular I would LOVE to get used by:
Peter & Mickey Coolio. I want them to tag-team me, double-fuck my hole, and plant their seed balls deep in my boy cunt: By the way, I would seriously PAY to get fucked like this!

With a dick like that I'd let him fuck me any time, any where, and any way he wants to no limits and no questions asked. Just looking at him makes my mouth water and my ass twitch. Hell, as soon as he whipped out his cock, I'd have my ass out with my pants down around my ankles, all he'd have to do is spit on my hole and slide his dick in. My throat and pussy would be his property to use and abuse however he pleased.
Those guys are hot as hell, but until they find a cure for AIDS, it will hopefully remain a fantasy. I have thought about it quite a bit myself, but luckily have had friends remind me of the consequences. I hope they find a damn cure so we can feel other guys for real.
That is hot,I can't wait.
I like it,when a guy push cum out his hole.
if your up for it i say go for it u may not have the chance again ya know
Bad idea. I'm no prude but bareback sex is not worth the its thrills.
While is does sound very hot and I would love to see it, in the real world it is not a good idea.
I may be selfish but I want to make sure you are around for a long time.
Fantasies are exciting but this is not the 70's, you need to play safe!
Keep it gloved. Hate to see you get sick over a couple minutes of pleasure. They are hot though. :)
Much as I would love to see your boy cunt get stuffed with man seed...I think it's best left as a fantasy. You are way too smart to get into barebacking, and you've got too many impressionable fans. I always thought you were one of the few porn stars with their head on straight...please don't prove me wrong.
Go for it! I cant wait to see it!
Sorry Mason , I think you're sick ...
you'll have no guarantee that you'll not be infected ...
And ( I hate to be moralistic) there's still no cure if it's the case ....
Condoms in porn (and in person) are a huge buzz kill. Go for it, Mason.
Go for it Mason, can't wait to see you taking loads on film!
The rates of infection in the Czech Republic and Slovakia are still pretty low compared to Western Europe and the US, so if your partners test negative before they breed you, the odds should be pretty decent that you won't get infected. But you'll still be taking at least a small chance.
I spent more than a decade fucking my brains out bareback before 1980, mostly topping. I was lucky, but I have seen at least a dozen friends and acquaintances waste away, and it wasn't pretty.
I'm with the majority here. While I find bareback porn incredibly hot, it's not safe at all. I'd much rather watch a safe-sex movie and pretend the condom isn't there than know I contributed to someone's contracting HIV.
Porn may all be fantasy, but it can have real world consequences.
Different question: from what eBoys movie is the Peter and Mickey Coolie clip? I agree it's TOO hot and would love to get it.
Go for it! :-)
Just make sure you get a percentage of the profits.
Please stay safe and don't do this Barebacking thing - it;s a hot fantasy, but it's NOT worth it to put your life and health at risk like that. It's so hot to see porn like that, but it always makes me sad to think what consequences those models are paying - and THAT is a boner kill. Stay safe and be well...
As othes have said, bareback sex on film is very hot.
For now no one should be barebacking it is unsafe, and until we can cure and prevent hiv/aids I don't think anyone should be doing it, especially normal people in the everday world. To many people lie and refuse to get tested, even if they do get a positive result they are not smart enough to stop or tell people.
I'm sure that barebacking in the porn industry is safer than the real world, at least I hope it is. Is it safe in the US? Is it safe in the Chec Rep?
I would love to see you being pounded bareback, watch you get filled with cum, watch you push it out of you, but in reality, I would like to see you around for a long time doing normal sane things with lots of clean hot guys.
Well, I think your desires are HOT!!! I would love to watch you get fucked and fucked over and over again til your hole was dripping with cum. Yum. But I also must say that in this time with HIV you must be careful. I know it sounds like I'm a old man for saying it, but I do want you to be safe. Ultimately it is up to you. Besides, I wouldn't mind being a top for you sometime. wink wink. Keep up the blog. I do enjoy reading them.
The boys in Prague are hot, and it would be cool to see a fine American bottom getting plowed by them and representing for the home team! Whether you choose to bareback is up to you, but by all means lets see that sweet ass of yours getting pounded by exotic hotties. BTW, that last picture of you with your legs in the air and your hole visible is way sexy. For as many videos as you've done, there aren't nearly enough explicit ass shot photos of you on the web.
I would say don't do it. Because if you do and it goes wrong and you get something it wouldn't be very considerate of your BF. Also it would end your future career in safe porn because they wouldn't even want the chance that you could give a disease to anyone else.
as one cum slut to another it'd be sooo freakin hawt to see ur hole filled up with load after load of grade a eurocreme, just so long as they save at least a couple of loads for ur cumhungry mouth :)
Having been HIV + now for 7+ years, I must comment on this. First and foremost I LOVE BB SEX, but and this is a BIG BUT, I practice safe sex with my sexual partners who are not +. Having a partner Mason, its not just your decision. Just cause its from the Czech Republic doesn't make it HIV free. Besides their are other STD's out there that no one talks about or thinks about that go hand in hand or cock in ass with HIV, HEP B,C, Sphyllis to name a few. Also HIV when it infects someone typically doesn't do it alone it brings other friends to the party. Just something to ponder. Please feel free to contact or comment back to me on this.
While the idea may sound really hot, I don't think its worth how unhot things may get later. Even if you took a ton of precautionary steps, it still could end up in a really bad situation. And I don't know how I'd feel signing up for your sexual getaways knowing you very well may be unhealthy and I think a lot of people will see it that way. Just looking out for you!
This one leaves me torn. The horny porn hound side think that this would be insanely hot. The Eastern European BB porn is good, but sometimes the bottoms are just going through the motions. (Sometimes the tops too.) We know that you would put on a great show and be loving every minute. Who wouldn't want to watch you getting filled with cock and cum, and craving every last drop.
Then the responsible adult side worries about the repercussions and how it would affect your future. So I'd feel guilty about watching, but probably still blow a huge load while I did.
It sounds like it's a fantasy for you, and most of us don't get to live out all our fantasies. There are ways to help reduce any risks you may encounter, and if you really want to do it, are aware of the possible consequences, and take steps to minimize your risks, the go for it. You seem like you have the sense to make it fun, hot, and profitable, while maintaining as low a risk as possible.
What does Marcus think about it, since it could affect him too?
it Well bud as hot as it sounds I think its best you stick to condom, safe sex!
Those guys are bangin' and I can't say I wouldn't do it myself if I saw them coming. The best advice any of us can give you is do what you want to do MOST. There are many things we regret not doing in our lives but there are very few we regret doing. Remember that.... oh-and if you do fuck them bareback.... get that shit on video and put it out there! I personally want to see you get filled up and eaten out!
Cheers sexy,
well if you swallow the dudes' cum, why not just bareback? either way it goes into your system and poses the threat of infection.
I say GO for it! Just make sure the guy whose cock will be pounding your hole has been tested and is clean. And make sure you film EVERYTHING to share with us! LOL
Mason, just do it mate. It is clearly something you hav ebeen thinking about for a while and want to do. I for one am so excited at the thought of seeing you be a hot cumdump bottom for all those hot Czech guys.
Fuck yes Mason! YES YES YES!
Have been hoping you would make some nasty bareback cum dumping movies.
At the end of the day Mason it is your decision and you should do what is best for you and what you want to do.
From your post I get the feeling it is something you have thought about for a long time and are very keen to do.
But the decision is yous to make.
I just recently came across you on the internet and have to say I've become a fan. And I would like nothing better to see bareback. But, take it from me personally, its not worth the risk. You seem like a bright and intelligent guy. I certainly would love to meet someone like you with those looks, an appetite for sex, and brains. But, don't let something like barebacking cause any more grief in your life. Stick with what you know!
While the guys are extremely to and total jack off material, I hope you're smart enough to know the difference between fantasy and reality. Fantasies are always hot. Reality throws in the consequences and the price you pay.
In this case, barebacking for a few minutes pleasure is not worth the price of the risk of your health.
OMG!!!!!!!!! I would love to see that or even be a part of it!! You are so DAMN HOT!!! and I agree all those Czech Boys are just as hot!! I'mm sure you'll find the right answer for you!! I personally LOVE TO BAREBACK!!!!!!!!!!
I agree the bareback sex is AMAZING but, I also believe that you need to practice safe sex to make sure you stay healthy!
i think its a free country and if this is what you really want then by all means, however this is a dangerous road you're going down and i would urge you to be really careful.
you know when i've been in a monogamous relationship long enough that we didn't feel the need to use condoms, and the guys i've had with condoms i really couldn't feel the difference if your realy going to do this then promise us you'll be safe about it make sure the guys that fuck you are hiv-. i would love to see you around and healthy for years then go out in some sex filled blaze of glory.
As I said before, no bareback please!
You are very hot and very charming. And while barebacking is a hot fantasy, please please please don't do it. Your health isn't worth an orgasm, no matter how hot it might be at the time.
That is what I have been dreaming about. I would pay to see that!
I have to admit I love Czech BB Porn. I have even chatted with many of the porn models who worked for Eurocreme before Eurocreme divorced itself of the Prague division. One of my favorites to chat with was Alex Stevens who you worked with in BuilderBoy.
I would love to see you being filled by the boys of Prague.
Also got to add one other VERY important point here. Sounds like some people out there think that if a person has a recent test that is negative then the person is "clean". That is NOT always the case. It can take as much as 6 months before HIV will show up in a test. So you can test negative for 6 months (and spread the disease) before you test positive. Be careful!
You're right--that feeling for bare cock and cum can't be resisted. You've admitted it, now enjoy it! Go for it! I have no regrets as to my own decisons!
Mason, you said you and Marcus bareback, since you're sure you're both neg, right? Is he willing to take this chance with you, or does he plan to use condoms for six months after you do the Czech boy BB thing? Those are the only options.
Also, one person posted that oral sex is also risky. Not very, though some diseases can be spread that way.
Keep stayn' safe - I want to see you around as long as possible.
Good for you! Don't fight your pleasures or fantasies. But may I make a suggestion?
Do you think that you can be breeded by people who are not anorexic? Look at the pictures you've shown on your blog. That "Jose Manuel" can see his ribs froma mile away. I'm scared in case he breaks just before the finishing moment ^_^
But, back to the subject, never deny your feelings because it is unnatural.
I hope my words of wisdom have some use here....Probs not, but still, let's stay on the optomistic side of things ^^
Take care
it's interesting what everyone says, however in the end, it only matters what Mason wants and will get. And i say, if you want it, go for it. I'd probably start buying the videos of you if you took loads up your butthole, cuz i certainly won't touch, look or view a video with a condom on ever. It's just unnatural. Go with the lust in your loins buddy. You have a hot hole, it deserves to get treated as nature intended. :-)
I think i'm gonna go get some loads today myself in my butthole. It's just the best feeling!
Yes we want to see your hole full of Czech cum Mason. Don't fight your feelings. Go for what you want and do it.
I bet most who visit your site will buy videos of you taking loads.
Mason, only you can make this decision, but I think if you are talking about it on your blog your mind is already made up - you just want to let your fans know what you plan to do.
I fully support you in starring in Czech bareback porn because I believe it is what you so want to do.
I would love to see it, but not at your own health risk....Carter Longway /Jarrod Steele has been doing it.....and he is a fovrite performer of mine. I watch everything he does.
I think it would be incredibly hot. Just make 100% sure your partners are neg first.
If you are going to go 'all the way' then do it right! Build a private gloryhole at your house or apartment, place ads online looking to service hot guys (of course) and then back up on them once they pop their prize through the hole! You would be surprised how many guys don't back away... Oh and video tape it too so we can call see. Don't get charged up the way everyone else does, make it exciting! Oh and please leave your boyfriend out of it...we still don't understand why a hot guy like yourself is with someone like him. Hey if you want to slut yourself out online, I have a right to comment on your not so attractive boyfriend...
if i was just masterbating i would fucking love to see you getting fucked bareback taking all loads being the slut you are and me too! but you're a cool guy and a very handsome man so young too, i would rather see you healthy and all.
This is not a good idea. If you want to bareback and become a cumslut in your private life: whatever, that's your choice. By becoming a bareback bottom in your videos, you'd be promoting that sort of careless behavior. You may understand the risks and are willing to take them on; but to people who watch the videos, your acts would be desensitizing them to the risk involved. This desensitization and general indifferent/apathetic attitudes toward HIV have positive test results on the rise. There are many people who look up to you, and it's easy to see why. Your responsibility to yourself lies in your personal life; but you should maintain some degree of resposibilty to those who consume your product and have made you a star of sorts.
Do it. Embrace ur inner cum slut. Dont fight it anymore. Some of us were born to be cum holes, to become men by having our holes torn apart and worshipped. Everyone here would love to see you fulfill your potential, but they wont admit to it. i am a sex addict like you and proud of it. I live for sex and i know u too. So, welcome to this new stage of your life. Of being a man.
don't be a fool
The number of previous posters cautioning you on this risky behaviour should hopefully cause you to think twice.
It's so easy for people to urge you on in unsafe behaviour, but what happens if you get infected? How many of those same people will support you and take care of you when the going gets tough?
HIV and AIDS have not gone away, and until there's a cure, one must play safe.
do it man. if it's what you really want/need to do. don't be reckless about it, but do it and love it...and SHARE it!
Hi... Like said here before it's your decision.. But I would love to see you get barebacked by hot boys.. and see the cum dripping out of your hole!! And I think you want it too!!! But I must warn you!! After you've tasted the feeling of all that cum up your ass, you don't want anything else.. I encourage you, JUST DO IT, Enjoy life to the MAX!!! And trust me, I'm + for a few years now, it's not such a big deal!!! So don't worry about that to much!!!
don't be a fool wrap your tool!
I think that the danger to your health is not worth the risk. It is erotic to think of barebacking, but I would advise only doing it in a monogamous relationship. I hope you have a long health career.
Although I realize that this would be very exciting for you, I think it is a very immature, stupid idea. You have a lot of fans and I do believe they want you around for a long long time. If you got infected it would be a very sad day in this world.
First off, you are a very hot man. Of course like many others I have jerked off watching you be dominated wishing I was the dominator... hehe. BUT, and this is a huge but, I dont like to see anyone do something for the simple instant gratification without considering the long term consequences.
I probably have you beat in the amount of guys I have fucked and that have fucked me, I have a few years on you. With some luck and a lot of prevention other than a few minor irritating beasties a few times I have been lucky.
I have ALWAYS assumed that every guy I was having sex with was Poz and acted accordingly.
I have five friends on meds and six have already died. The meds dont work for everyone. And a vaccine only works BEFORE you are infected.
Dont screw around with this, dont be another pornstar cliche that crashes, burns and dies before 35.
I will get off my soapbox now, and say, Ya that shit is hot, but unless I am in a monogomous relationship, its just not the right thing to do.
Your future depends on the decisions you make today.
Have fun, stay safe, keep entertaining us.
think yuou should go for it. There are lots of guys like me who if I am purchasing a porn DVD will only buy the real thing. I for one will only purchase bareback DVD so would love to have you do bareback so could add your DVD's to my collection
Please, Please, Please. Safe Sex Only.
You only live once and this is the time of your life: you're cute and young! Go to Europe and get seeded baby :)
Far better to leave it as a fantasy
Bad idea! Although hot, there is no safe BB sex. Even if your parter tests negative before the scene, it can take up to 12 months for the antibodies to the virus to show up in testing. Not worth it for you or your parter. You have alot of young, impressionable fans who may follow your example.
The guys who are telling you yes are being selfish and could care less about your wellbeing.
Mason, don't be a damn FOOL! A few minutes of pleasure isn't worth dying young. I don't care if trhe infection rates in eastern countries is low, it is still way to dangerous. Not only do you put your life in risk, but there are young gay guys out here who will try to imitate. Please don't bareback. Be responsible -- unless you have a death wish!
Oh yeeeahhh ,pliss
cant wait to see that! ;-]
It's just not worth it.
Don't do it Mason. Stay safe. Want to see that ass of yours just the way it is.
Mason, you're an educated man. Why would you want to do something so risky? Only one time and your Adult career would be over and you'd be on the cocktail drugs forever. Is it worth it? I LOVE sex too. However, I won't die for sex. Rethink your priorities Mason.
Hot fantasy. Dumb reality. No, really, really dumb. Please don't.
I can't really give an unbiased opinion. I admittedly love bareback porn. And I can't think of anything hotter than seeing your hot hole used and leaking cum.
That said, nobody wants anything to happen to you. We don't want your life cut short (despite promises of an AIDS vaccine every year for the past what, 20 years now?). Still, people with HIV can live a good amount of time. But it's still terminal.
But if you're confident that the guys from Europe who are fucking you are negative, then I say go for it.
Bro, fukin go for it. You know what you want, don't you? I wanted it too and since I got it, my sex life is 100 times better. Go for it, you know it belongs inside you.
Hey Mason,
I've drooled over your stuff for a while now and i hold you personally responsible for a number of toe-curling cumshots. I can appreciate your craving for this new experience and i know if would probably make me bust a couple more nuts, but you know what they say, a cock has no conscience and i think that this might be crossing the line a bit, i assume you are a person surrounded by people who love you (just look at this community dedicated to you)and i can't imagine that would all be worth loosing, sure nothing could happen and these guys are probably screened more intensely than a terrorist at the airport but you just need to decide if its worth it.Some things might just belong to the realm of fantasy, you still gotta have some of those.
xox Mitch
By the way... did anybody notice how chock-full of gay connotation that music video is?????
I heard about you posting this and felt a need to comment about it though I find it hard to type this though the tears. About a year ago I found out that I was HIV+ and though I am healthy I would give anything to be HIV- again. I was in no way a slut or whore and though I had fuck buddies I was safe, but I did have one trusted friend that I would play with and do bareback. Though bb is fun and feels great, keep you fantasy a fantasy until you find the guy you want to live with for the rest of your life and do bb with him. I have a loving partner who has stayed with me but I would love to do bb with him again and now since finding out that I am HIV+ we have gone back to safe sex. My only saving grace is that he did not end up poz as well because I think that would have killed me. I think you are a hot guy, and believe me I would love to top you but we ever met and I came clean with you that I was poz, could you have sex with me even if it was safe? Think hard and deep about this before you make your move. Weigh all the options and think about how this will impact your future. I would rather see a condom on someone in a porn movie than not. Though I do not know you, it would pain me that you went down this path and ended up like me. I live with my choice EVERY day, good or bad day.
That butt of yours has bareback written all over it!!
Don't waste any more time - get over there and get pumped full of as much Czech cum as you can hold...
though I think bareback porn is hot and seeing a guy shoot his load in another guys ass is hot I would rather know that the actors are all safe and not exposing themselves to danger
after all if someone does (god forbid) become exposed to hiv or hepatitis there is no cure and I would rather see you keep making safe porn and doing what you love for years to com man
so please don't go there and do it
Hi Wyler, i love your honesty about how you feel and what you think, and I sometimes wish i could be like you. I'm just puzzled about one thing: didn't you make some bareback movies before? I thought I saw some videos of you doing bareback sex with two other guys some time ago...
Hi. Hope you will read, as you appear a sensible and decent chap. Most risk from HIV, Hepatitis C (no vaccine, and causes chronic liver disease and liver cancer-hepatocellular carcinoma) and Kaposi sarcoma herpesvirus (KSHV). KSHV causes Kaposi sarcoma (KS). KS can occur in gay men without HIV, and is getting more common, very unsightly tumours. Prior to HIV, some gay guys got immunodeficiency from chronic immune stimulation, that is chronic exposure to antigens (as found in body fluids like spunk). HIV-negative immunodeficiency is also seen today in very sexually active guys (non-protected). KSHV and HEP C common in eastern europe, and in gay men in west.
The feeling isn't going to go away. Once you really want to be a cumslut you might as well just give into it...
hey you get to play with the active duty boys who are way hotter! why do you want to waste your hole, not to mention put yourself at great risk, for eurotrash?
when are you going to tell us your decision Mason?
Hey Mason,
I understand the feeling quite well. I love watching the Euroboys barebacking each other. Some of the hottest are when they shoot in each other and we get to see the spunk dribble out.
Personally, I think it would be hot as hell to see you get boned raw by any of them. Actually, it would be hot as hell to see you get boned raw by anyone.
That being is your choice to make. If you (and Marcus) are comfortable with the risk, then go for it. You are an intelligent guy who has to know what the risks are. I would imagine (in fact I know) that some of the guys we see in "mainstream" videos bareback in their private lives.
I started barebacking a few years ago, but I have always been picky about who I dip my stick into. I've actually fucked a couple dozen guys (and seeded them). Thankfully, I've never caught anything. I always test negative.
BTW - I saw a video recently that starred the guy you are hot for (Jose Manuel). It's called Bareback Pantyboy. He bottoms in every scene for some pretty hot bois. Check it out.
Take care and enjoy yourself.
hey mason,
big fan of yours here... and an advocate of super hot safe sex... get pounded, buddy, by all means, take as much cock as you can, and swallow as many loads as the boys give you, but please stay safe, we don't want you gettin sick! you're beautiful and young and sweet, don't throw that way.
-brian. =)
No doubt about it! Take all those raw Czech cocks you can handle! Can't wait to see you taking those raw loads! Will you please do a Treasure Island film? =)
I don't think you can stop the process of wanting to take cum. The idea has entered your head, if you haven't already taken a load you will. We all know that barebacking feels better, and the intimacy of taking raw cock and a hot load is oh so seductive. Sooner or later, by accident or design, it will happen. I say that because you are a sexually active man.
I reckon enjoy your choices no matter what they are. Understand that all our choices have their consequences and that we have to live with them.
The first load you take my poz you, you might still be neg after taking 1000. Regardless I reckon you are probably smart enough and mature enough to deal.
Fuck yeah!
Go for it!
Just be careful!
don't do it...bareback is DEFINITELY HOT, but I want you around forever takin' cock up that delicious hole.
Jude Collin and Mason again. that is a hot movie couple. will like to see more of them together. thankk you.
You simply mustn't, Mason! You are a gorgeous, highly intelligent guy. Sure, you love cock so much, but why put yourself at that kind of risk?? It's crazy. Please don't.
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