Uncharted: Drake's Fortune: My choice for BEST exclusive game for any of the next gen consoles. Think "Indiana Jones" meets the male version of "Tomb Raider." Beautiful graphics, interesting story, and loads of Filipino pirates. What more could one ask for?

Metal Gear Solid 4: With a character inspired by Kurt Russell, how could you go wrong? It's cheesy and oh so good. SNAKE? SNAKE!? SNAAAAAAAAAKE!!!! Buy it. Play it. Love it.

Lair: This PS3 exclusive got poor reviews all around but I loved it. Blame my odd taste. Lair is one of the only PS3 games to fully take advantage of the six axis control features. Think "Dragonheart" meets "Eragon."

Grand Theft Auto IV: This is a game that needs no introduction. It's like all the other GTAs but with better graphics. Terrorize NYC, you know you want to.

Little Big Planet: Puzzle Platformer exclusive to the PS3. Think "
Nintendo"... BUT
BETTER ie. original, creative, and fun.

Dead Space: Horror-action gaming at its best. Think "Event Horizon" meets "The Sphere", "Solaris", and "Dawn of the Dead" all bundled together with an anti-Scientology undertone.

Devil May Cry 4: Hot white-haired demon boys fighting.

Heavenly Sword: Another PS3 exclusive that like Uncharted, has amazing graphics, fun game play, and a well acted story. Think "Xena" meets the female version of "Conan"

Resistance Fall of Man: PS3 exclusive set in a post apocalyptic alternate 1951 Britain after an alien race has taken it over. This first person shooter is mostly all about the game play. Nothing groundbreaking, just good ol' fashion alien killing fun in the streets of London.

Resistance 2: Better graphics but mostly more of the same. Still Fun.

Tomb Raider Underworld: They reduced the size of her breasts but kept her ridiculously plump lips. Still the game appealed to my love of history and exploration. And her realistic screams every time she fell to her death made me chuckle a bit. Am I evil?
Other games worth playing:

Call of Duty 4 was a VERY hard game!
Ace Combat 6 is another great game. Fallout 3 sucks though
unfortunately I don't own any of the playstation consoles... I own an x-box and would get the 360 soon... love Soul Caliber though... :)
I love that you're such a geek, and also so gorgeous!
If your savy enough; the RE5 demo is out. Now thats a game.
James Bond "Quantum of Solace" i have it on Xbox360.
Left 4 Dead on the Xbox 360. One of the most fun 1st person shooters I've ever played, and more fun with a group.
Any recs for the Wii?
You left out World of War Craft
Force Unleashed barely gets a mention.... harsh, that game is pretty good. You should get a 360 Mason
It's such a pity that I'm not into games. So have fun!
in response to michael's question about wii games: Super Smash Bros. Brawl is an absolute MUST for the wii, its pretty much the only reason i bought it. tons of characters and game modes, lots of moves, heaps of replayability, youl never get tired of it. The Force Unleashed is pretty good but because theres only one level of difficulty and the game play is very repetitive there is hardly any replayability. The actual game play with the wii remote and nunchuck is very cool because you have to slash the remote for the lightsaber and push the nunchuck for the force etc. but u pretty much defeat all of the bosses the first time round. In that aspect i was very disappointed with the game but the xbox 360 and ps3 versions look a million times better. Also the wii doesnt have that new AI system so the stormtroopers dont try and grab onto things when you lift them up...:(. another few good games for wii are mario kart and zelda: twilight princess
I know I'll get laughed at for suggesting something that's not so hard core:
World of Goo
Gotta support the indies too.
You can download the first level on PC/Mac to check it out. Utterly charming, deceptively simple gameplay, clever design. And I think one of the 2-man development team is gay! (I think)
Wow Mason thanks for the suggestions. I don't own a PS3 yet. I want to get one. I do own a PS2 and I have been playing Batman Lego and Indiana Jones Lego. Very fun games. I also love the Ratchett and Clank games. FUN times. I'm so glad you are a cute geek that loves the gaming. hehehe. I would check them out. They are fun games.
ngaaaarrrr im drooling
Looks like I'm the odd one out again ^^ I'm mainly into fighting games. I don't want to blow my own trumpet, but I am really powerful at combat games.
I tried Soul Calibur a few times, but I never got into it. I just stay with my good old Samurai games. Best to stick with what you know, I guess.
Is it just me, or all nearly all of the games mentioned are technically "anime"? I have nothing against anime, it's just I found it weird that's all.
Keep up the good posts
Force Unleashed is a good game
ya i agree with rav! ill stick with the dynasty/samurai warrior games any day and fighting games, especially dead or alive 4. other than that im going to have to say tomb raider and rock band get my vote. i especially love the latest tomb raider cause the visuals are gorgeous! i really couldnt help but just be in total awe in thailand. the last games i would suggest to would have to be ninja gaiden and mega man 9.
Ok first off shout out to all the HGN's (Hot Gay Nerds) out there. Secondly, call of duty is a hard game at first but once you get the hang of it you and your team (usually a group of the marines I live and work with) can totally wipe the floor with the opposition not knowing what hit'em. I play alot of PC games and my 360 has seen better days...lol...
This ultimately makes you my favorite porn star of all time! Have you made any giant penis levels on LBP, yet?
I think you left out some of the PSN titles like: Eden, Monsters, Street Fighter HD, and Super Stardust HD.
Woooah ,you got GREAT taste in games dude !!!
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