I don't know about you, but I believe the millions of Americans who crowded retail shops this past weekend, displaying our nations obsession with material goods, is just as bad as the Folsom Street Fair, Southern Decadence, or any other gay event where people can be found broadcasting their sexuality to the public. In fact, I don't think public displays of lust ever caused a stampede resulting in a man being trampled to death. Furthermore, unlike Greed, Wrath, Envy, and Pride, Lust never caused an economic recession and it never launched numerous wars killing millions of innocent people.

In my lifetime I have been guilty of most, if not all of these sins. I have been gluttonous, eating more than I should have during the holidays, knowing that there are millions of people starving. I've been jealous, like when my friend bought a 52 inch 1080p LCD TV while I only have a 42 inch. I have been boastful, like when I thought I was the smartest kid in my 5th grade class. I've been greedy, like when I buy video games behind Marcus's back when we're suppose to be saving. I have been enraged and angered, wishing harm upon others like when I'm stuck in traffic.

And I definitely have been sloth, not living up to my full sexual potential. For example: I've only been gang-banged once and only by 8 guys even though I fantasize about getting gang-fucked by more. I've never been double penetrated even though I think my ass could handle it. I just need to find two dominant guys who can force me to take two dicks in my hole at the same time. I've never had sex in a public place, not even at a gay venue, and not even when offered by hot guys even though I know I'm capable of it.

Out of the Seven Deadly Sins, Which one is your biggest vice?
Well, it's good that you thanked everyone a nice Thanksgiving. Luckily, that doesn't apply to me! lol
Do whatever your hearts content. One thing that I have learned is that these "sins" are basically a guideline to the "perfect" person. Don't believe it, it's a pile of baloney! We are all different for a reason. If you have to take it up the "chimney" (that's what I like to call it ^^), then who should judge you? No one! No one has the right to judge you! Just listen to good old Rav, and light will show its way. That's my motto now! ^^
Hope you had a good Thanksgiving too! My version of that is going on Warriors Orochi and kicking the living crap out of the supposed "samurai" of the age. Bleh! I am the greatest samurai! XD
Take care, Ciao
As an extra note, if I had to pick a deadly sin for me, it would have to be Pride. My Pride makes me who I am. I am proud of myself, and take pride in the things that I do. Who doesn't? These so-called sins are actually parts of different people's personalities.
Stupid person who ever thought of thiese traits as evil! If that person was alive, I would take my masamune and cut them down swiftly!
Have fun while your soul is free.
Hi Mason,
I would have to say LUST is my biggest vice as well.
But I totally agree with your thoughts on this subject. Having sex with someone is WAY better than some of the other vices...
You have an enterprise, how cool! :)
first off, i have to say the second picture of you is quite funny. it looks like you'll stop in the middle of whatever you're doing just for a quickie. Making dinner? That can wait. Emailing Grandma? It's not gunna go anywhere.
And the third picture of you is gorgeous, you're ass is to die for.
My biggest vice? Lust, lusting after those I shouldn't.
I gotta go with Lust! In fact, I performed in a cabaret called '7 Deadly Sins' and was specifically chosen for this sin. :0
It's the most fun and really isn't a sin at all. :)
i think weve all had our sinfull days and trust me i could definitely do more. love gang bangs and though ive had many dp sessions im still figuring out how to do tp (triple penetration) i know it can be done and im just greedy enough to take 2 guys from others and use them for my own needs. and i certainly know my ass can take it. tight as fuck but hot as hell. we all have fantasies even after weve done all we want. its our inquiring minds that stay busy thank god cause i love to stay busy. keep it coming kid im sure you can get more than youve had and we will all be gracious to be able to watch
I hope you had a good Thanksgiving too - even if you over ate. I did the same and then proceeded to drink too much ALL weekend and was quite glutonous with my sexual advances as well. If you haven't been double penetrated, you REALLY should try it! I have done it several times and LOVE it!! Have a GREAT Week!!
Anyone who isn't guilty of every one of these sins isn't human. As usual, I think you're being too hard on yourself (excessively scrupulous). It's good that you're humble (for whatever the reason). The humble heart is supposedly closer to God than an individual might suppose.
There is a fine line between engaging in any of these activities to a normal extent or doing it to excess, so it becomes a capital or deadly sin, as you call it. This means doing things to a point where they make you a miserable person, who is controlled by the vice rather than doing it at will.
Take heart, Mason. "Love covers a multitude of sins." We're all sinners, so we damn well better all be merciful to (not quick to judge) each other. :-)
Congrats. Those there's often a sexual twist to your blogs, they always make intelligent points.
I don't have any.
luv u! lol i completely agree and the last line about being a cream filled twinkie! buut i agree with everything u say..ive had lots of sex....and when it comes up in conversation about how many people uve all been with..im always the one whos slept with the most or sucked off the most and and while im not to proud of my seuxla past...err..present ;)...why am i made to feel like im a dirty whore when i saw 2 women get into a fist fight at my local walmart at 6 am friday morning and every one sees that as normal
that one pic of u suckin on the laptop is one extra hot photo. good job on that one.
I tend to look upon "sin" as an attempt at guidance. Sins go hand-in-hand with the 10 commandments. They're intended to assist us in living better with one another. That being said, I don't see any problem with lust - unless, um, you know you get into a car accident cause you giving/getting a blow job on the freeway... but I digress.
hhhmm mine is gluttony, although i will admit like you i too have some sexual desires that have not been fullfilled but want them to be. i also do the secret shopping when i shouldn't and get jealous when a friend gets something that i want before i get it too.
Hey, at least you're not a hypocrite about what you do.
As for myself, gluttony is unfortunately my biggest vice, followed closely by anger.
Oh and I love the Enterprise in the background. Maybe you should showcase your sci-fi collection sometime.
I'd have to say that 'Greed' and 'Lust' are my sins. I lusting for guys all the time and wish I could do more than just look at them and greed.... well I just want everything for myself. Including peoples hot husbands/boyfriends. Frankly I could care less about sins after all I'm only human. To be human is to live. And I live my life how a choose. Regardless of what society thinks of me.
i totally agree with you. sex therapy works!
I found that ENORMOUSLY witty, and possessed of validity on most all points. I do, however, have to cite that Helen of Troy was an object of lust, thus instigating the Trojan War. LOL! I'm not really that big a nerd, but my roomie and I were reading your post and discussing how well wriiten it was and she reminded me of the Battle of Troy.
Without a moments thought, definitely lust. I think lust gets you into the least trouble compared to the the other sins. Lust is what drives me most of the time when I need to give myself that extra push. There's never any harm in lust, and almost no chances of being arrested for it.
Hey Mason funny you mentioned Southern Decadence..were you there this past August? I saw someone who I thought kind of looked like you at a strip club called Corner Store or something like that. He was wearing a pink shirt unbuttoned but since you say you don't frequent bars and stuff I didn't pay much attention to that guy otherwise I would have at least said Hi!
that first picture of you in the hat is sooo sexy, almost enough to get off to!
You look cute in glasses, Mason.
I think it's pretty hot seeing all the guys admit to being DPed! I have (both bottom and top) and it was one of the most exhilarating times of my life! I can't believe you haven't already! Of course I haven't been gang banged (which is a huge fantasy of mine!)... yet...
I think you are doing fine with six of the sins, but your sloth is unacceptable. You should be ashamed of yourself for having never been double penetrated and it depresses me to hear that you've only been gang banged once.
funny xxxoxo
Hello, hello ! I felt committed after reading your texts to post a thought on something I saw in your post - you have not only one hot ass but some tasty looking feet to boot ! I wonder if you taste as good as you look ?
<3 the Candy Spookie
Unfortunately Sloth is mine.
What really scares me is the horror movie 'Seven Deadly Sins'. Watch that & you'll reconsider everything...
my sin is LUST
I just love cute skinny twinky guyz and slightly muscular jocks especially if they have a big dick like yours makes me lust for them more.
You rock my world with all your vice...
I think the Black Friday decadence is WAY worse than Folsom Street Fairr. When was the last time someone died from rampaging crowds of people at Folsom?
Anywho, it's not gluttony on the holidays. It doesn't count because it's how we celebrate. ;)
I'd say my biggest sin is probably pride. Followed by lust, greed, and gluttony. Then maybe envy and sloth. But I'm hardly ever wrathful!
Yeah, I'm totally going to hell aren't I?
Gluttony is not a sin! Seriously, who ever thought of that??!!!
All of these so called "sins" are actually necessary for life to live on.
Envy is a human feeling, simple.
Lust is this site, and it is not evil!
Anger or Wrath happens all of the time, anywhere and everywhere.
Greed or Covetousness....well we experience that nearly everyday.
Sloth is basically being lazy. If we weren't lazy, we would be boring.
This makes us all different, unique and wonderful!
In good taste I have to say you look handsome in the hat and glasses! Eat your heart out!
Yes, but sinning is such fun!
Lust got a bad name for a millennium or so because of two consequential risks: venereal disease and untimely pregnancy. Prohibitions about lust, though superstitious, were really about health and economics.
Then along came antibiotics and birth control pills. During the 1960s and 1970s, lust had no consequences to speak of. Then along came AIDS: a form of VD with no cure. However, prevention is pretty easy, and again it's about health and economics. You look real cute with a latex-covered dick up your ass. I'd also like to see Marcus fuck you bareback, since that, among neg boyfriends, amounts to safe sex.
Well thanks Mason. Happy Thanksgiving to you as well. I have one question though. The dick in the first pic is hella hot. Is that your BF's dick? If so it is HOT!
Mason, your writing although maybe not of a scholarly subject is sneakily captivating. I popped in to look at naked man pics and found myself reading pages... damn you; I could have been doing something productive [evil grin]... Anyway thanks for bringing a skill to a topic often mundane from it’s over use of vulgar words and transparent sentence structure. Kodos on the skills.
Aka… jjflecher
Hey Wyler. Of all your wonderful attribute, I think your beautiful eyes are the most attractive.
Rick (ur friend on MySpace)
PS. Give Prague a go :)
wonderful site i love to jerk off to all the photos etc here
awweeee you look so cute with the glasses and the little hat :]
me wanting you
well i remember when i washe leanest and in the best shape of my life...and it was when i was fucking regularly...and hanging out with a few porn star buddies i had...the party got a bit too much so i stopped hanging out with most of them...now i eat ugh lol..i am not a fat slob but not as good as shape as i was...i live in the sticks and its a bitch to get laid on a regular basis...everyone one is into this shy bs ...mason you're hot as fuck...you drive me nuts talking about how much you love beiing stuff with cock ;-D...lust is good its healthy !
There's so much shit going down in the world, why should any of us feel guilty about being lustful – as long as we don't hurt anyone else and everything is consensual? As Rav's Desire said, no one has the right to judge anyone else. And as for you, Mason, you give so many people pleasure with your lust... how can that be a bad thing?!
Very well written piece of work on your site.
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