Indolence. It's my own worst enemy. Creeping up on me quietly and slowly, almost at a snails pace. Very careful not to warrant any alarm. Allowing me to get comfortable and content, and before I know it, indolence has me in its grasp. For more than two months I have let life pass me by. I've lost fifteen pounds of muscle and I'm seriously behind on my blog. What's even worse is the fact that I have only had sex with twelve people since I became single back in October. That's pathetic for a self-described cock-a-holic like myself. For gay CHRIST'S sake, what kind of porn slut am I? A pretty bad one for sure. Twelve boys in nearly four months?! God that's a sad realization. It should be more like twelve hundred. It's like I'm one of the snormal boys. I have been way too lazy for way too long... Well not anymore. No more masturbating because I'm too lazy to put in the effort required to find a hook-up. No more eating out for every meal because I'm too lazy to cook. No more skipping out on the gym. No more sleeping half the day away. No more eight hour gaming sessions. I have to conquer old indolence once and for all. Starting today I will be a new man. A man that works out every day, goes to bed before 2am every night, and wakes up before 10am every morning. I will limit the amount of time I spend on video games. I will make an effort to write at least once a day. And I will stop ignoring my sex addiction and actually go out and get some dick. It's time I start living again.
Welcome back!!! It will be great to see you back into the swing of things! Just like getting things done after the holidays, you will get it done and will feel great about it all
That's my boy.
...................please I wish LOL
hi Mason,
believe it or not, I love you the way you are and welcome back!
I wish I will meet you one day.
Shine, shine shine!!!
Love you.
Glad to have you back buddy!
-Max Wyler ;)
But... video games are living. They're just not your life...
sounds like a man on a mission.. im glad ur gettin refocused on life n priorities... been wondering what you've been up too. Go out n show the men what they've been missing the past 4 months.
Everybody has his up and down !
Glad you are back... cock-o-holic or not, it's always a pleasure to read from you..
Enjoy your "new" departure :)
High five sir!
Welcome back Mason. I'm glad to see you pulling yourself out of a rut.
Welcome back buddy! Was wondering what happened to you. Here's to turning over new leaves... hot, cum-filled, sexy new leaves!
Welcome back from the dead! Glad you are motivated at the start of the New Year, but don't feel bad about taking a break every now and then!:)
We should all join you for support! More sex in 2010!
I work for myself, so I can totally relate. It's so hard to be self-motivated and when you start to spiral down, it can be hard to pick yourself up. But you seem like a guy who can go anything he sets his mind to. The world is yours for the taking!
Glad you are back to the land of the living...
Hi stud glad ur back and in the swing of things again...becouse its been hard sleeping with my men and the ones u slacked off on hahaha... so get in thier and do what u do best stud :)
i like what i hear, think i'll join with and do the same!
Welcome back Mason!
Yes, it is time to start living again.
"Who conquers indolence will conquer all the rest." - Zimmermann
Only 12? Yeah, sorry to say, that's weak. I think I've even had more than 12 guys in the past four months. Hey, maybe I can be your lucky number 13?
Keep up the good work.
Glad to hear you're back Mason and look forward to reading your postings.
You've been missed in the blogging world.
Awesome shirts. I just bought a few. Can't wait to get them!
I was once told that Apathy is death. I lived like that for so long, I lost a lot. It is as much of mental and spiritual death, as a physical one would be.
It takes a real man to admit when he needs o work on himself. Good luck and I know you can persevere!
Good job! Was great seein' ya at the awards last nite!
good job! was great seein' ya at the awards last nite!
I need some of whatever it is you are having. Aside from the gaming, 12 boys and, well most everything else, you sound like me. Of course I have two jobs I hate and am completely bored with life. Wait, this isn't my blog, it's your. Good job at breaking the cycle.
mason, if you were serious about writing every day, why is there only one post since this post? doesn't seem like you are writing anymore than you used to...
Put down the game controller, get out of bed (provided you are alone) and get over to the computer and start bloging again. Write every day, well that promise only lasted two days! Pathetic. Or as a certain gay judge from the show Boston Legal would say, "what are you a nanzy panzy"
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