YES you are a faggot and NO it's not normal. But it's totally fabulous.

The fact that we are men who love men puts us in a minuscule minority that isn't fully respected by the heterosexual majority and is understandably misunderstood. Honestly, we are freaks of nature and we should embrace that. We should STOP trying to convince the breeders that we are JUST like them. We're not. Sure most men probably just want to find the ever elusive feeling of "true happiness", that we all probably share in common but that's where our underlying similarities end. Most men do NOT seek true happiness in another man's underpants or find it in a muscle stud named Zane. Why the hell would we want to be just the same as everyone else anyway?
I most certainly agree. I wouldn't want to be like everyone else. Its fun being different. Not always easy, and not always thought well of by other people, but we are all different and I personally love it.
100% right!!!! I love being with a guy but love being with him even more when were nude and fooling around. If that does not make me like the majority of my friends, who cares? This is who I am and will always be. Live with it. I like sucking face with other guys, most of my friends like big tits on a girl. We're different, but who cares? We are who we are.
I'll agree with ya,Mason,with everything you wrote with the exception of calling us "freaks of nature". I think thats what some in the hetero world would call us. But is it really freakish? Because I don't ever think of being homosexual as being that way. This is just the way we were created. I think we are the only species on this planet that has such big hangups on the way we have sex. If anything is freakish, its the human species, as a whole.
On another note, loved the latest vid of you and DJ. Watched 3 times already..haha
Hear! Hear!
So, who among heterosexuals are "like everybody else?"
The point isn't that we try and convince people that our differences don't exist. The point is that we convince people that in spite of what makes us different, we're still human. So in that sense – that we've all generally got ten fingers and ten toes, forty-six chromosomes, and brains with advanced frontal lobes – we're quite as normal as any other freak walking down the street.
I can't say how much I agree...by the way when are you going to do that scene with Diesel Washington?
*kisses* thank you for that Mason. I've been saying stuff like this since I came out at 17 nearly 10 years ago.
BTW, I just saw a hot clip of you with some hot texas boys.. I never realized how hot your accent is lol ;)
Nicely said bro.
Different, but still unequal.
Right on, Bourgtai, nicely said!!
Well it is true that on the average, the Western side of the globe, especially the States are "behind" in a sense. They may have the military might to overcome countries, but they can't accept differences in society. This is not a personal problem, this is a human problem. And it is very unlikely that it will be solved any time soon, or possibly even ever. We are not freaks of nature, but different possibilities as people.
Hang in there everyone, our time to shine will soon come. I'm sure of it ^^
Rav, are you from the States?
No Tony, I'm from the United Kingdom, and am proud to be born here! ^^
Mmmmmm muscle stud Zane. Sounds hot. I have got to find this guy. :P
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