I'm sure all of you would be loving me with jealousy. So I understand the game. And when Mason closes this thing down, I'm off the radar back to my cosmos and straight bartender lust. However, before that happens I'm going to have some fun and Mr. Commonpeople had a great equation when he commented on my last post:
Porn + Education = Revolution!
So we are going to start a Wyler book club (WBC). Don't start sweating beyotches. If you don't want to do it, you don't have to. No one will be forced to read and there will be no testing. I'll throw out a book title and 4 weeks later ask people to talk about it. Real simple. And the shit is voluntary. Please don't make me repeat that. The only thing some of you might not like is I'll be making the book choices. Think Oprah, minus the the talk show, media power, and best friend named Gayle.
Okay. So let's get started. Our first Wyler book is Cormac McCarthy's Blood Meridian. You might have heard of McCarthy. The movie No Country for Old Men is based on his book. Warning: if you love rainbows, puppy dogs, and believe the world is a magical wonderful place, you are going to hate the book. McCarthy deals with dark themes (even though I tend to think at his heart he's an optimist).
Some may ask, why start with this. Why not some gay writer? Easy. Why do the obvious? We can read, and like, non gay shit. It's allowed. Also I hear Hollywood is going make the novel into a movie. You know what that means. Once the movie is out, no one minus us nerds will read the book anymore. Send all complaints to Commonpeople.
Okay, enough yapping from me. And because I'm that type of guy here is a Yale professor talking about the book. So head to your local independent bookstore or public library and let's get started. We'll talk about the novel the week-end of April 18.
Great book from a great writer. I remain in baited anticipation to hear what other people think of the quasi (or not) homosexual themes in the work.
I agree with you that there's some optimism in McCarthy. I've read "The Road" and "The Crossing" and, like you said, they were incredibly dark books, but there was always that tiny light of hope at the end of the tunnel. I think they are turning "The Road" into a movie too, with Viggo from "Lord of the Rings" in the role of the father. Heck, they are now probably turning all of his books into movies after the success of "No Country for Old Men"!
McCarthy? He's mostly the literary reincarnation of Faulkner, which is kewl.
Yet you are not the literary equivalent of Oprah, thank the gods of whatever stripe. That slut should never have ventured into the realm of literature. She is a menace. Oh, well.
You at least have a little hope as a literary critic, though not much. A comment from Amy Tan might be nice, though I doubt she'll bother.
You're right about "The Road." The movie "All the Pretty Horses" was a hot mess and I kept wanting to see Matt Damon's mouth filled with some big dick.
Making McCarthy's books into films is good for him because it puts cash in his purse, but I never trust Hollywood with an original writer.
Kewl? Beyotch please. Good point about Faulkner. What Faulkner novels have you read. I love "The Sound and the Fury."
You better start talking to some writers man. They all, minus that clown Frazen, would kill to have Oprah pick their novels. The O brand means readers and money. Name a writer who doesn't want that? Shit, O got McCarthy to sit down for an interview. He NEVER did interviews...even when he won the National Book Award.
There is no hope for me, but I would tap that Tan booty if it got me published.
Hey James,
I'm halfway through the book and loving it. Last night, I got to the bit where the judge asked for all the men to piss on the mud... and on his body... and I understood why you picked this read. ;-)
I should be done with it within the week, and then will check out the video link to that professor.
Take care. xo
OMG?! That is a great scene. The professor brings it up in her lecture.
You know another scene I love? It's when Black Jackson cuts the head off of the guy who won't let him sit by the fire.
What do you think about the relationship between the kid and Tobin (the ex-priest). Is the pervert in me making it more homoerotic than it needs to be?
And what about the Judge? I can't wrap my head around him, but maybe that is the point?
I'm confused so far as to why the story starts with a focus on the kid and then shifts away to the leader of the group, the judge, and so forth. The kid kinda falls into the background... I see his relationship with the ex-priest as more like brothers, but who knows right? These guys went for long stretches without seeing any women so they must have thoughts on each other. Also, there's that scene where they find a group of men in the middle of nowhere, surviving off a dead horse, and there's a twelve year old boy with them (that gets his neck broken the next morning). I got the impression the boy was used by the men and then murdered over night to keep his mouth shut about what was going on.
I love the judge... but he's one fucked up dude. I'd say he's the novel's heart (if we are going to think of it as an American "Heart of Darkness"). I'm actually tempted to start reading it again in a few months time because I don't think I'm taking in as much as the novel gives... there's a lot packed in... but I"m loving it anyways. :-)
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