It has come to my attention that how I choose to portray "Mason Wyler", the conglomeration of my actual self and my fantasy self, is frowned upon by some of you. People think I am dramatic, mentally ill, and/or desperate for attention, and many have reason to believe so. That's fine, to some degree, its probably true. But I was always under the impression that porn was about sexual fantasy, sexual expression, and sexual release. Isn't our job to excite you? Grab your attention and keep you entertained? No? I suppose I was wrong... I realize now that if I want to stay in this business I need to stop being so over-the-top and trashy and start cleaning up my act...
Honestly, my everyday life is pathetically boring but who wants to read fantasy when you can read about the real me?! Right? So what's my life really like? Well today I worked out, then got my car washed (some kids in my neighborhood egged it...those bastards!), then I went to a tanning salon, I jerked off in the tanning bed, then I ate some Mexican food with Marcus and this twink porn model I'm training, and then I spent the rest of the night playing World of Warcraft...
Actually... Fuck it. This is porn, we sell sexual fantasies and orgasms... Why try to pretend like my job description entails anything else. We aren't stars, we aren't role models, we aren't fashion models. We are ADULT models and ADULTS should be able to talk about whatever they want to (within reason, this may be hypocritical of me but I think HATE speech is a big NO NO).
We take our clothes off and have sex in front of a camera so that we can pay the bills and so that you can get off. If that's decent then I don't what isn't. Don't get me wrong, I love my job and I am totally flattered that thousands of people take the time to read my blog and find me physically attractive enough to fap to my videos but really... How many of you actually do the things I talk about just because I say that I do them...? That's what I thought... hell I don't even do the things I talk about.
I like to say dirty things and I don't put condoms on my words, I save those for my real life interactions. Some things I say are true, some things I say are pure fantasy, and I'm seriously not talented enough to develop a writing style clever enough to make it easier for my readers to decipher fact from fiction. And no, I don't feel like putting a disclaimer on everything I write that might be deemed questionable.
Furthermore, The apology I wrote was just that, an apology. It was an "I'm sorry" to the 50 people who signed up to talk to me on the phone and watch me on webcam back in November. I couldn't come through with my promises, my fault entirely, I'm shitty with managing my time and so I sent out an email apologizing for my failure and notifying them that they would be receiving a full refund. The email was intended specifically for just those 50 people BUT then one of those 50 people, maybe more, decided to be an ass and forward the email to Queerclick... And Queerclick( And I love QC) informed me that they were going to post the email on their site so I just decided to go ahead and post it here on Wyler Nation.
If you were one of those people... Thanks! I really appreciate it! Don't worry you'll still get your refund.
Yes, I said some pretty extreme things in the email, bareback this and bareback that, I like talking about bareback sex, get over it! It's not like I'm seriously having tons of risky bareback sex, I mean you don't see me getting fucked bareback over at MASONWYLER.COM now do you? Think about it. Do as I do, not as I say.
But just because I care about the youngins I'll say this... "Don't be a fool, wrap your tool"
WN is like no other pornblog out there. I started out following the feed for the fap alone, but damn now I "read it for the articles" too. You're not afraid to put yourself out there in a way most guys in the industry would never have the balls to do. Much respect!
I'm disgusted. If porn stars can't be role models for our children, than who can?
Come on here guy, Mason Wyler rocks. I think that he is a very awsome guy. Ok yeah he didn't hold up to his part of the deal but oh well. Shit happens, life goes on. He apologized and is refunding the money. There really is no need to turn him into the porn police. Come on lets be adults here
Hey Mason, that's exactly what I wanted to read, and I'm quite happy to see it on your blog ...
I fully appreciate your way making a huge difference what happens in your fantasy and what's going on in real...
Honestly how many people have .... let#s say special fanatasies and were extremely dissapointetwhen they try to make it real... I was ...
I'm having SM fantasies being the sadist .. and when it happened once, I was so worried about the "poor guy" I couldn't go any further ... some things are meant to remain a fantasy..that's it.
It may argued that you may lead some stupid fellas to try out risky sex.... but pity on them ... They have their own head to think what they are about to do...
This is of course the truth.
I apologize that even I wasn't to sure what was fact and fiction :o)
Keep going on stimulating my fantasy ;o)
Hugs Kai
People need to get a fucking life..If you have nothing better to do then turn people into paypal and forward there blogs to QC..then u have a very very sad life indeed. If you dont like him..then dont come to his blog...its very simple..Leave the poor guy alone
Mason, I think some people have this whole porn business thing misunderstood! Your providing a fantasy for our entertainment. But some people think that fantasy can become reality. They wish to know more about you, because they think they can be in your life, and maybe your boyfriend, I would like to be a friend, but I know that will probably never happen in real life, so I keep my distance. You don't need me asking where did you eat Mexican food, or what car wash did you go to?
You provide adult entertainment for us, and that's it! It doesn't entitle us to be part of your life, it doesn't make you a role model, and it doesn't make you a hero. I'm not saying that I don't like you, because I do! I'm not saying I don't think your gorgeous, I in fact think your beautiful!! But I also don't think I own you just because I watched one of you videos, and have read your blog!!!
You go one writing what you want to Mason! If people don't like it, they don't have to read it. I don't think you bareback guys like you write, you not stupid Mason! So what if you spend half your days playing World of Warcraft?!?! A mid forties friend of mine, another friend in his early 20's, and I (I'm 29) play D&D!! We spent 2 hours last night smoking a big batch of Zombies, and Gnolls!! Just be your self Mason, give us what you want to give, and nothing more!! We don't deserve any more than that. And to the people that say they do, tell them to fuck off!!!! :D :D :D :D
Funny thing is how some of the 50 expected you to be exactly where THEY wanted as if they owned you for $50
I don't believe that having an alias is bad. Personally, I think it is very good for people. I love my alias. I love being Ravs Desire. People may think that I'm just a crazy fool, however that's their problem not mine. It's better to be an alias of myself than showing my true self straight away. I think about it this way. If it helps you, then continue doing it. Most people here are using aliaie to cover their true identity. In my opinion, it sounds quite cute, doesn't it?
Take care
Your still hot and I would still fuck you and play WoW at the same time.lol. I'll be there tomorrow at oil can harry's. You have my myspace page if you would like to get together.
"Anonymous said...
I'm disgusted. If porn stars can't be role models for our children, than who can?"
What the hell are kids doin' watching PORN?
PORN is for consenting ADULTS for FANTASY & PLAY!
Granted, I had my cherry popped by a GI when I was 14... The joys of living in Germany for high school!
BUT I knew I liked & wanted more DICK!
You should just be who you are and not what someone else wants you to be!!!
why do you have to explain anything to these fucks anyway? you have no reason to have to get up here, and air your dirty laundry and apologize. i mean if you think about it its all business and in real business things sometimes go south and don't work out(like the deal last nov.) these people obviously have no life and are way to absorbed in porn to face realty. you shouldn't have to make a disclaimer to the world because some dude is all upset because he didn't get his one on one with you or what ever. seriously its childish. so what if the bare back thing is true or not its your business (and your only doing your job and telling people what they want to hear)i tell str8 dudes stuff all the time that i make up for "the ratings" lol that doesn't mean that im actually going to fallow through with the shit in the bed room with them lol have a good day~
wow. that was amazing. you know, Mason, i follow your blogs, because they are, believe it or not, an great read for me.
i think that of porn as both jack off material and as a form of art; as you said, sexual expression. and believe you me i am all for expression.
you are fucking amazing. you think your not some form of a role model. but you have captured my heart. which is not easy to do. and i wish you the best of luck in your business.
i look forward to more of your blogs and such.
blessed be.
This is great fodder. I just found this blog in the past few weeks. Very entertaining. mason you are a trip. Keep keeping it real.
Mason, To "HELL" what people think about you!! You are only human!! Your personal life, and the fantasy is totally different!! When people realize that, they will be better off!! I'm 39 , and I wish I had the balls to do what you do!! I'm still highly sexual at my age! You just be you, and the rest is just gravy!! Love Ya! Dudley Mahon Jr.
I think one of many reasons i keep coming back to your blog is because I don't know how much is true or just fantasy. You keep me guessing. That and you are the hottest geek, EVER. love it.
I keep coming back to look at you. I think you, as a person, try WAY too hard to act like a "man's man". The truth is that you're just hiding behind your identity as a porn star to keep yourself confident and even happy. Whatever delusion works, right? You're just a good piece of ass that gets me off. Keep it up beeyotch.
mason this photo you look like you are excited in it
i am looking at your face and the face you are making is cut
but i have to ask this what in the same hell are the kids under18 looking at porn
but mason this is my suggetion to you
this is your job and it was your choose to pick this as a job so dont let anyone say you are bad
as long as you like it that is all that couhgt you shouldnt care what the others say you should only care about what you think about it
i have one ? for the whole world arent we all allowed to make mistakes at least he knows he was wrong and has said he will refund all the funds back
see he has stepped forward and that is what a man does/a adult does i have to say mason you are number one in my book and know when you make a mistake and you are not scared to tell the world you messed up
at least you are doing all you can to correct it and make it right
Anon, what you are stating is quite relevant to the topic. However I only have one criticism.
Could you use grammar in your sentences plz? When I was reading it, I was rather confused about what you were trying to say.
I understand what you mean now, it's just next time, could the use of grammar be increased plz?
Just a thought for your future posts.
Take care
Yeah!!! Awesome Mason Wyler is very very hottest sexy, thats my best favorite mason wyler very much and of course i do care him alots sound funny, nice, cool, and smart guy!!! and i want really relationship and spend time each together to get fun!!! i love him very much that i want him and i wishs i could sleepy with him king sizes bed room so hottest sexy!!! i love you alway smile like me cute teddy bear hug smile!!!!
mason in my books you are the best there is because you have shown my lover and myself what is wrong and how to go about dealing with problems and how to make them come out for the good {like when you helped your parents out that was so nice and at that moment you stepped up like a man and know you was needed for help even thought it hampered your life in several ways like you have to keep certain things down to a very allowed amount but you still are able to do other stuff{i have to say mason you way to step up and show your family you can and will do your best to help them out}
Just goes to show how gullible (and foolish -- mild word, just to be kind) some people are. Mason could write that he was getting a sex change operation, and some people would believe it. Then, they'd get all bent out of shape and write some really stupid shit and email it all around. They should get a life and move on....
Thanks, Mason, for being you.
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